Starting the day the right way



drinking almond milk

It's National Breakfast week and as some of you may know breakfast is my favourite meal of the day, it always has been and always will be but getting our son who is a very fussy eater to have something substantial to start his day can be tricky. We have never subscribed to those overly sugary cereals and because of this he has never asked for them with our regular choices being porridge, home-made naturally sweetened granola, french toast, multi-grain pancakes or scrambled egg. Recently however he has been getting a bit bored and we have been searching for something that is quick to prepare but full of natural goodness so when Bear Alpha Bites got in touch to ask if we would like to review their healthier kids cereal I was excited to see what Mr A would think.

healthier cereal

So what makes Alpha Bites different to the other cereals aimed at children on the market? Well first of all there is no refined sugar, instead it's sweetened with Coconut blossom nectar and even though per 100g it's sweeter than a popular plain rice cereal it's not calorie-empty refined white sugar playing havoc with blood sugar levels, instead the nectar is far more beneficial nutritionally as it contains vitamins, minerals, amino acids and is high in calcium, meaning just one bow provides almost half a child's daily calcium.

Alpha Bites is also free from salt, artificial colours or flavours and is made up from just 6 ingredients of which 5 are tasty multigrains making it high in fibre. Saying all of this would Mr A actually like it as children can be fickle and it's almost like they can detect when something is good for you but I can honestly say he finished a whole bowl alongside some Almond milk to wash it down with.

We have always approached life and food with a view of everything in moderation but we have never been keen on the idea of lots of white sugar first thing in the morning, equally we don't want our son to eat nothing and start the day on an empty stomach which has happened before simply due to his picky habits, so I am very happy that Alpha Bites provides parents with a fantastic solution especially if you are short on time and need something quick, simple and full of vitamins and minerals.
Another little extra is they come in the shapes of the alphabet and as we are teaching Mr A to read he enjoyed pointing out all the letters which lead to an impromptu phonics session.

happy breakfast

We often have Bear Yoyo's or fruit paws on hand when out and about on adventures as a healthier treat instead of things like chocolate and we enjoy collecting the cards that come with the packs, which are always informative and educational. I was also pleased to find out that Bear is an eco conscious company and does not air freight any of its fruit or foods and none of their products contain sulphites which is why it's easy to see how it's won so many awards of late.

Have you been making anything special this Breakfast week? Come and share what you have been enjoying in your household with @Follow_The_Bear #BreakfastWeek

This is an associated post with Bear, words and thoughts 100% my own

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6 stylish hotels for Interior lovers

At the Chapel
Rooms At The Chapel

When we travel we are pretty happy go lucky although it's always a treat to stay somewhere a little bit special, that sends those senses tingling with inspiration and creates a space that is unique, stylish and comfortable. I thought I would share some hotels I have come across while researching family trips and put a little wish list together of places that combine travel and my love of interiors together.

1. At the Chapel, Bruton Somerset - as soon as you step into this multi-use Grade 2 listed former chapel with it's in-house bakery, wine store, restaurant and luxury rooms you will be bowled over by the stunning church windows and natural light flowing in. The rooms are modern and contemporary yet still make full use of the original features. The marble-wrapped bathrooms are a visual treat as well as having breakfast brought to your room each morning. This would be a fantastic spot for treating the lady in your life this Valentines or Mothers Day.

Exposed brick
The Loft at Hotel V

2. Hotel V Frederiksplein, Amsterdam - this eco-friendly boutique hotel oozes style from head to toe with it's modern urban design, it makes it's the perfect choice for the young hip crowd with exposed brickwork in the loft suite, large windows, spiral staircase, designer light fittings and a spacious lounge with street-view. The bonus is it's really reasonable in price and even though it's only a 3-star hotel it's extras and chic interior make this a great choice for those who don't want to compromise on quality.

Brussels Hotel

3. The Dominican Hotel, Brussels - we stayed at this luxury boutique hotel in Brussels in the summer of 2014  with our then 3yr old son and it has to be in our top 5 hotels we have stayed in. The hotel is housed in a 17th century building and it's imposing exterior matches it's grand interior with high archways, floor to ceiling windows in the dinning area and an eclectic decor, plush rooms and a mix of modern and classic paintings make this a bight and bold place to stay, coupled with a very hip bar and champagne breakfast.

Edinburgh view

4. G&V Royal Mile Hotel, Edinburgh - the only 5-star hotel on the Royal Mile, the G&V is located in the heart of the old town. They make the most of each room which are individual styled and decorated, colourful and on-trend with an element of Scottish heritage to it. This is a fantastic spot with amazing views across the city and coupled with an award winning restaurant, vibrant bar and relaxing spa you won't want to leave.

Geodesic dome

5. Whitepod hotel in Valais Switzerland is a stylish eco-luxury concept and Alpine experience made up of Geodesic domes that merge into the landscape no matter what the season. It has a very strong ethos of being sustainable and supporting local as well as keeping your carbon footprint to a minimum, all of this without compromising on the luxury side of things. The domes are furnished in a scandi style each with amazing views and a large terrace and the have special family pods.

Factory hotel

6. Wythe Hotel, Brooklyn, New York - you cannot get a more on-trend boutique hotel than that of the former factory building - The Wythe, located in hipster central that is Willamsburgh. This place is all about minimal interiors with an industrial feel, floor to ceiling windows, amazing views across to Manhattan, custom made beds from the buildings reclaimed ceiling pine and specially commission art work by Duke Rilet, ESPO and Tom Fruin. There is of course a rooftop bar where you try drink some cocktails while taking it all in.

What is the most stylish or inspiring hotel you have stayed in?
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January through Instagram



As it's coming to the end of January (how did that fly by so fast?) I thought it would be nice to just share a little round up of what we have been up to through the eyes of my instagram. The weather has been so up and down but we have made the most of the dry days as well as enjoying some quality family time and good food...what have you been up to?

1. We enjoyed a wonderful afternoon in the park with friends and came across a beautiful wall with a dragon on it in Caerphilly
2. Both the boy and I are going to attempt to learn the Ukulele this year.
3. Finding those moments of calm with a cup of coffee, notepad and an inspiring magazine
4. Exploring Cosmeston country park
5. A little brunch date with this guy in Whitchurch
6. Nothing beats a good cup of coffee, this is a flat white but my new favourite is a Cortado
7. Some homemade gluten-free finger waffles and chopped apple.
8. Poached eggs with spinach and Hollandaise sauce is a great way to start the day
9. Even managed to get back on the skateboard for a little fun this January and filmed a little vlog about it
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Top tips for going to Cheltenham Festival in Style


his and her outfit

Although I’ve definitely had a fun festive period, I really love springtime because it’s the time when we can finally shake off the winter blues and enjoy the great outdoors. And I’ve been investigating a few options for getting out and about, and the upcoming Cheltenham Festival seems to offer a good combination of cocktails, horse racing excitement, sports fun, and of course, lots of fashion opportunities. But as ever, my main question is - what to wear?

Races conundrum

The hardest thing about putting together a look for the races seems to be how to look stylish without necessarily breaking the strict dress codes that are often enforced. Thankfully the Cheltenham Festival looks like it doesn’t suffer the restrictive dress code found at Royal Ascot, but it still requires a little bit of forward planning.

Thankfully, the racecourse’s website gave a good idea of what was acceptable depending upon what kind of ticket you’d purchased. And similarly, I found that Betway’s site gave a good guide for newbies such as myself for the main race and all other top sports events of 2016, so that I could quickly get to grips with all of the odds and favourites.

A question of hats

However, I must admit that I’m likely to be spending more time mulling over my hats rather than the horses! It seems that the fascinator is rapidly falling out of style according to the nation’s fashion elite, and as such, I may have to be a little more inventive.

Thankfully there seems to be a rising trend of British milliners such as Indy Cindy who have a fantastic selection of handcrafted products ranging from fedoras to cocktail hats that should add the perfect touch of glamour for attending the ultra-stylish Ladies Day at the Cheltenham Festival.

biker jacket

Dressing for warmth

The other thing to consider is the fact that the Cheltenham Festival is held in the middle of March which can still be pretty chilly. However, that doesn’t mean that we have to dress up like old ladies as suede is still on-trend and provides a fantastic way to look chic and stay warm whilst out at the races.

The other alternative is a leather look jacket or of course tweed which, with the right cut, can provide the perfect amount of countryside charm to your look - although I’m not sure I’m quite ready for the wax jacket look yet!

But as long as you obey the dress code, stay warm and place your bets early, it looks like a trip to the races is a dead cert for a great way to start 2016!

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Winter Sun



natural childhood

It's felt like all it's done since the start of the new year is rain, well in Wales anyway but luckily during the last week we had a blissful break from that, for two days the clouds cleared and sun shone and the blue sky felt endless. We make a point of going out each day regardless of the weather but as you can imagine we made full use of the beautiful winter sun even though it was bitterly cold.

carefree childhood

As we had planned to pop into my mothers we decided to head up to"The Common" - a lovely greenbelt looking across the welsh valleys with Druid ruins, trees to climb, a small river to splash in and long grass to run through. I normally take Baby G in my Ergo sling but with the dry weather I thought I would put our new Eco friendly Greentom stroller to the test.

Eco stroller

Greentom stroller

I will be sharing a proper review of the stroller with you soon but I cant tell people enough how much we love it and it also happens to be "the greenest stroller" on earth with both the frame and fabric made sustainably and 100% with recycled materials, but best of all the baby is so comfy in it and loves being pushed around, something he has never really enjoyed before.

As you can probably tell Mr A is going through a very distinct Camo and outdoor clothing faze and truly see's nature and the outdoors as his playground for imaginative play as well as learning and is constantly asking me what each flower or tree is called and I am having to carry around guide books with us, which is not a bad thing at all as we get to learn together.


We stayed up on the common until the sun set and we even spotted two mice taking food back and forth to there homes. Even though it was very cold the sunshine truly lifted our spirits and made me think of those hazy summer days to look forward to as well as all the flowers blooming in the springtime and for a moment it didn't seem so far away.

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The reality of getting your home ready to sell



Our current house, as nice as it is, is not a home to us and was never going to be, we bought it as a smaller project unlike the full renovation before that and we always knew we wouldn't stay more than 2-3 years in it and now it's very much time for us to move on. There are many great positives to our current property mainly being the large living room and a very spacious kitchen diner with french doors to a good sized garden but it's simply not "us", we bought it as an investment and I think we will always see it as that and we are excited to move onto another project and since John and I have been together it will be the fourth place we will call home.

With each move, we have learnt something new about the whole property game and what not to do, especially as each time we have moved we have grown in size and now we will be selling with not only one young child in tow but two!

We had hoped to have had the house on the market earlier but along came Baby G as well as the sleep deprivation, extra laundry and nappies everywhere so we gave ourselves a break for a few months and now that he is coming up to a year old and this is calming down we are finally getting back on track with our snagging list and are hoping to have everything spick and span by the end of February.

New tiles being laid in our bathroom

So what do you really need to do to get the house ready for the market?

Well first of all make the best of what you've got and don't leave any rock unturned. If things like the doors or walls need an new coat of paint get it done, if you have messy wiring around the TV area get that neatened up, if the toilet seat is broken get it fixed - just because you have got used to how things are, does not mean everyone else will see it that way.

Get rid of the clutter even if this means renting out some short-term storage space, you never want to sell a house that appears to be short on space as it will put buyers off, you want to show each room to its full potential.

Don't ignore the garden, even if you have not done much to it in the time you have lived at your house do make sure it's tidy, clean and the grass is freshly cut as outdoor space needs to be treated in the same way as any room in your home as it adds value to the property and can be a real selling point.

Get your paperwork in order - there is a lot of admin when it comes to selling your home, the buyer will want to see warranties and building regulations for any building work done such as an extension or conservatory, and your mortgage advisor will need to see bank statements and all your monthly incomings and out-goings and you will be forever signing documents until you actually exchange but having the basics in place first will save a lot of stress and time.

Most importantly is to dress up your home for viewings, don't rely on the the buyer being able to see the potential - show them the potential and once again make sure any mess, clutter or laundry is out of the way. The small touches really do help so having a fresh bouquet of flowers in the kitchen, open with the curtains to let the natural light shine in and make sure the bathroom is spotless and smells fresh.

Of course, there can be quick and easy ways to sell, maybe you have an interested private buyer and don't need to go through open showings and estate agents. Or if you live in certain cities, some businesses offer to purchase your home quickly like

All of these things can be pretty hard to do with children in tow so make sure to ask family and friends to help out even if it's just to watch them for an hour or two on a showing day, also take as much time as you need to get the house ready and don't cut corners as this may come back on you at a later stage. Yes it's a stressful time but breath, smile and look forward to the next adventure.

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11 month Breastfeeding update & Boobbix Review



So it's been a while since I have done any kind of breastfeeding update and thought I would share how things have been as at nearly 11 months we are still going strong. I feel very lucky that we have not really had any issues at all and since the beginning its been pretty amazing which was completely different to my first who was badly tongue tied.

Even though physically we have had no issues it's still been hard at times especially over the past month when Baby G has been waking far more than usual and the only way to get him back to sleep is to feed which has meant that at times I have been feeding him of up to 6-8 times a night, which as you can imagine does not leave much time for sleep.

Also as fantastic as Baby G is at feeding he refuses point blank to have any expressed milk which has limited my ability to be away from him for too long but now that he is also eating food and we are doing baby-led weaning it means he can go a little longer and John took both the boys out for the first time earlier this month for a few hours without me. 

Breastfeeding essentials

There are a few things I have been trying over the past few months as well as one or two things I have my eye on and I thought I would share. I am in love with my Blue Brontide teething necklace which I wear most days and especially while I am feeding as it gives baby G something to play with instead of pulling buy hair. I love this handmade monochrome feeding pillow from Etsy as well as this divine soothing skin balm by Love Boo.

Breastfeeding especially in the evening is a fairly quiet and peaceful affair and I love to sit down with a cup of herbal tea and since my favourite mug broke today I am on the look out for a new one such as this Dolton mug, also after months of using my Kanken which is now almost threadbare I have a super stylish pacapod changing bag which I cannot wait to put to the test. Even though Baby G won't take expressed milk I am still using my Medela pump once a week just to keep stock levels up just incase he changes his mind about it.

One other product we have been giving a go this week is Boobbix Lactation cookies which help to natural increase your milk supply and wow do they really work! I would recommend these to any women who are looking to boost their supply and it's certainly helped mine plus the biscuits taste amazing, they really do! They are perfectly soft baked and hand made and a real treat with a cup of tea, containing mainly organic and natural ingredients the whole family gave them the thumbs up.

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5 Lifestyle, interiors and travel blogs to check out


natural home
A vintage home by Owl and the Accordion 

Being a blogger I always look to other blogs for inspiration, motivation, advice and a good read and I thought every now and then I would share my 5 fave reads of the month and share the blogging love for those blogs that I find interesting and inspiring. My main passion as you are probably aware off are travel, interiors, fashion and general positive lifestyle and these blogs are great if your looking for some happy in your life

Owl and Accordion

Written by the wonderful creative crafter, interior stylish and nature lover that is Victoria. I love how she styles her home with a vintage feel and captures it through some beautiful photography. She captures that feeling of simplicity and slowing down and I find her space a lovely calming place to be.

Wild and Grizzly

This cool mama makes you want to jump on a plane and explore all the colours and cultures of all those hip European cities while also taking in the Architecture and stylish hotels. Lori has a true eye for design and her hand on the button of interior trends. If your looking to inject some colour into your life stop over at her blog.

black glasses

Kat got the Cream

Kats blog is such a happy place where she shares fashion, interiors and her family adventures with her readers. One of the most fashionable mamas I know and an adorable family too boot who celebrate all the simple moments and whenever I am looking for a littler perspective or a cosy read on a wintery night Kat got the Cream is a great place to start.

Chocolate granola
S'mores Granola Clusters by Elizabeths Kitchen Diary 

Elizabeths Kitchen Diary

I have only recently stumbled across Elizabeths blog but I am in love with her wonderful and homely recipes and as well as family friendly crafts and outdoor adventures. Based on there Shetland Islands in Scotland, a place of true beauty and one of my favourite countries I immediately connected with her wonderful blog.

natural beauty

The Blue Rinse

A real earthy mother and all round lovely person, I love reading Lauries eco and nature friendly blog with lovely baby friendly recipes, breastfeeding, beauty tips, organic fashion and lifestyle posts plus her baby is super cute.

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Sleep stylish on a budget in London


stylish lunch
Having lunch at Babylon in Kensington, London

If you are a regular reader of our blog you will know we have a real soft spot for London and it's really hard to not fall in love with this vibrant, exciting and fast paced city. We are lucky enough to have a direct train from Cardiff which reaches the capital within two hours but as London is so vast and with so much to do and see we often opt for over nights or do a week long trip once a year, that way we can enjoy the city rather than rush around it in a day, which is always stressful.

London as you know can be incredibly expensive and even a short trip can rack up a fairly large bill so we always try and find somewhere to stay that is reasonable but still stylish and captures that city feeling without breaking the bank. We love simple and well designed interiors and London as a city really captures that and you don't need to spend a fortune you just need to know where to look.

My main advice would be if your short on time to stay within zones 1-2 as this will really cut down any time wasted travelling across the city also opting for self catering gives you a lot of freedom and is something we do a lot as that way we can pick and choose if we want to save money and eat in or treat ourselves to a meal out. Short-let London is a fantastic choice when looking for something simple, stylish but budget friendly within the city centre and I'm sure we will be using them over the summer as you can book from one night to up to a month from £38 a night for your own  fully furnished studio apartment, all with en-suites and free wifi to boot.

simple accommodation

As you can see the accommodation surpasses most hotels at the same price and gives you the flexibility of self catering as well as being located near main transport links as well as not deposit needed or booking fees.

Short let London

Once you have your accommodation sorted London offers so much to see and do with an array of free attractions such at the Natural History museum and Tate modern for a culture fix, a stroll through one of the many green spaces such as Regents Park or looking for quirky bargains in Camden Market or painting the town in one of the trendy bars of Shoreditch, either ay you will never be short of things to do.

An Associated post
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Boys Club - Fjallraven Jacket


Mens fashion

John has been eyeing up a jacket to carry him through from winter to spring since before Christmas although decided to wait and see if any popped up in the sales, luckily one of his favourites did - this Fjallraven Greenland jacket from OiPolloi. For those who don't know who Fjallraven are they are an stylish but durable outdoor Swedish brand, you have probably see their famous Kanken bags which have been incredibly popular for both men and women. They make their clothes to last and going by how long I've had my Kanken this is certainly the case.

Swedish clothing

John has paired up his new jacket with a Ebbets Field flannels hat, Folk shirt, Edwin jeans, Converse and Chups socks. The great thing about a simple, waterproof jacket like this is you can layer a lot underneath making it perfect for the transitional time between winter and spring and hopefully it will come on use during some of our adventures we have planned for this year.

Mens fashion

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Room - The stunning must-see film of 2016



Imagine life as you know it exists within the four walls of a tiny room? Imagine having your freedom taken away from you, to be confined to a small space and to bring an innocent child into that but you can only keep the reality of your situation hidden for a limited amount of time. Room is based on the novel by Emma Donoghue and is incredibly moving, even more so if your a parent as you cannot help but connect with Ma who is played by Brie Larson and has been nominated for an oscar for here stella performance in this film.

I was lucky enough to watch a preview of Room before its release and can honest;y say I was drawn in right from the start and shed a tear or two as Jack and Ma bravely hatch a escape plan and then have to come to terms with what has happened to them and readjusting to life outside Room.

The UK film distributors StudioCanal have been kind enough to offer one of our readers the chance to win an amazing hamper of goodies including - Soundtrack of Room, Novel of Room, Poster of Room and a DVD bundle of 3 Studiocanal past releases - Imitation Game, Rush and Blue Valentine.
It's super easy to enter and the giveaway ends on the 26th Jan 2016

<a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Eco friendly family fashion with Natureshop


Organic slippers

We are actively trying to reduce our carbon foot print as well as be more eco conscious in our household in a variety of ways. Immediately one thinks of energy saving ideas such as turning off all the appliances from standby as well as making sure we recycle as much as possible and being less wasteful, all of which we do but you can also look beyond that to what one wears or purchases. 

When it comes to food we try and eat as much organic or local produce as we can afford and we are aiming to do the same with the clothing we buy. I often pick up things from Charity shops as they are the perfect place to find something a bit different, at a very good price as well as upcycling an item but you cannot always find what you need, especially when it comes to children who are constantly growing. 

So I was very excited when NatureShop got in touch as they have such a fantastic array of eco friendly clothes and accessories for the whole family. A lot of the brands they stock are also very ethically conscious companies such as Patagonia, an outdoor brand that put a lot of money back into preserving the environment, so not only are you going to look fantastic in their amazing outdoor gear but your also contributing to a great cause. 

Each year I alway treat myself to a new pair of slippers so these Unisex Snugs which are made in Portugal and are tanned using natural organic tannis instead of harmful chemicals and the natural fibres offer insulation, breathability and odour-resistance, plus they are the most lightweight, bouncy and comfy slippers I have ever owned. 

NatureStore also have some super cute baby and kids clothing and can't get enough of this Little Green Radicals Wind farm playsuit. It's made with 100% fair-trade organic cotton and is so soft and well made and my little man has certainly enjoyed putting to the test.

Their logo of "love nature, live nature" certainly sums The nature store up and they have some pretty cool yoga wear, winter jackets and everything you need to get outdoors and be active and I have my eye on a few things. Do you try and buy organic?

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Why decluttering your home is good for the soul




I know it's not spring yet but after all the excess and mania of Christmas I feel the urge to simplify and reorganise our home and life. As I get older I have become more and more minimalistic although it can be hard when children come along and have felt the past few years we have built up too many things that we simply don't need. I was brought up in an un-materialistic household where less was always more and if you did need to buy something going with quality over quantity was key.

I personally find having a more simplified household, which is in turn is easier to organise, much better for the mind and soul as clutter in your home can also clutter your thoughts. Of course it's much easier said than done and I too am all about sentimentality but if it's not useful, practical or atheistically pleasing then one should rethink about wether they really need it. The thing is I am not alone in feeling this way - experts actually say that disorganised people and those with lots of clutter in their lives often feel frustrated, unhappy, anxious or out of control all of which could be eased if they brought some order into the home.

stylish bedroom

Decluttering can be a very purposeful and therapeutic activity and a great way of creating some clarity as well as making room for positive thoughts and creativity into your life. I know on a personal level I struggle to be or feel organised and it's something I am working on. I know being prepared would free up a lot of time that can be used for doing things we enjoy, even by simply organising packed lunches for our adventures the night before means I don't have the stress of running around the next day doing it.

The Scandinavian countries have minimal but stylish living down to a tee so let's all bring some Scandi inspiration into our lives and homes. Here are some top tips for decluttering your home

1. Evaluate everything - what are you simply not using? Ask yourself if you really need it, is it useful, does it hold sentimental value or is it athletically pleasing? If it's none of these things then let it go.

2. Focus on one small area of the house first otherwise it's very easy to get overwhelmed. Start with one drawer at a time and you will be surprised how quickly it adds up.

beautiful vase

3. Spend a few minutes visualising your room - have a clear image if what you want to achieve and how you would ideally like your space to look - once you have a goal is easier to work towards making it a reality.

4. Teach your kids where things go - children can create so much mess but they can also help you tidy and sort things away - put them in charge of packing away some of their own toys - perhaps setup a reward chart to encourage them to help out.

5. Start some simple filling - papers and post can easily pile up, so buy some folders and start organising your filing. Make sure everything is clearly labelled for Bills, Tax etc and put them all in one spot so you know where everything is.

There really isn't a better time than January and the new year to start a fresh, get organised and declutter your mind, soul and home. You will feel a lot lighter but clearing out that unnecessary excess from your life.

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Brunch, Boys and Motherhood


Street Style

I have to be honest and say we are still adjusting to the new year and coming off the back of the wonderful but manic festive period. The baby is not sleeping at all lately, which has meant very long exhausting days but we have still made sure to focus on family time and creating some kind of equilibrium even when sleep deprived (such is parenthood). We treasure the two days John has off each week and always try and do something nice wether it be a walk to the park, hike up the woods or a spot of brunch (for those who know me you will know that breakfast and brunch is my favourite meal of the day). So last week we decided to jump in the car and take the short drive into the city which also gave me a chance to rock my new Selfish Mother jumper John picked up for Christmas for me. 

Selfish Mother
Wearing M&S Jacket, Selfish Mother Jumper, Necklace from Tiger Lilly Quinn, Wallis Jeans

We have been meaning to visit 29 Park place properly since going to their opening party last year, especially as they have a Canadian pancake stack with blueberries as well as bananas on toasted bloomer (which was divine). What is fantastic about this spot is how family friendly it is, they have a free pool table as well as a variety of TV games - my eldest and I enjoyed a spot of Sonic the Hedgehog before food arrived, which was a real blast from the past, but most important there is a good vibe about the place and they make a great cup of coffee. 

Cardiff coffee

Flat white


It's always great seeing new places like this pop up in and around Cardiff, a city which has seen a real food revolution in the past few years. Before Baby G was being weaned we didn't go out as much as we usually do but since he is eating and very much enjoying food it's been so much fun bringing him a long and seeing him try out al new different taste and flavours and as long as he has something to eat he is a pretty happy and easy going baby. 



Simple adventures and outfits like this always make me reflect on how much has changed for both John and I in the past few years. Before having children I was fiercely independent and spent a lot of time traveling solo or with friends but being a mother has certainly made me less selfish, wanting for the company of my kids and seeing the world through a different perspective. Like I said the baby is not sleeping at all at the moment but I wouldn't change a thing, yes it's hard at times but so deeply purposeful and I have to say I'm really happy with where I am in my life, even with all the chaos.
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