Mollie's Motel Oxfordshire Family Travel Review


Mollies motel

Mollie's Motels, a small chain of motels, currently in Bristol and Oxford with a soon-to-open Manchester location, combines the feel of a classic Americana roadside motel & drive-in diner with the style of Soho house, while being both budget and family-friendly making them a unique staycation destination. 

Mollies had been on my UK staycation bucket list so when we had the opportunity to stay at the Oxfordshire Mollie's Motel, we jumped at the chance, especially with being only a 25-minute drive to the centre of Oxford and a great base for exploring the area. As they are based outside of the city centre, travelling by car is the ideal option although the Oxford location is easily accessible by public transport with a bus station right next to the hotel that will take you directly into the city. We spent a day taking in all the sights of Oxford and the following day exploring some of the quaint Cotswolds villages. 

Mollie Motels

Mollies motel

As soon as you arrive it's hard to not be taken in by the natural oak and slate finishes of the building and stepping into the reception space you are greeted by friendly staff and plenty of room to relax, catch up or do a spot of work as there are comfy sofas as well as work station. You can also help yourself to a variety of tea and coffee.  

The hotel is seamlessly stylish with a laid-backed atmosphere that has embraced technology, offering travellers EV charging free of charge and contactless room access by downloading the key card to your phone. When it comes to rooms, a few different choices are depending on your needs. As I was travelling with two children, we could have stayed in either the bunk room which comfortably sleeps four or the interconnecting rooms which consist of one double room and one twin room, connected to each other.

Mollie motel

Mollie motel


We had an interconnecting room which provided plenty of space for all of us and the hand-crafted hypnos mattresses were possibly the most comfortable hotel beds we have ever slept on. As with anything connected to Soho House, you can expect elements of luxury and this was certainly the case with well-designed rooms, powerful rain showers, climate control, cowshed natural products and super-fast wifi as well as 24-hour reception should you need anything. 

What really makes Mollie's unique is their American-inspired Diners, which attracts both hotel residents and locals and the diner was busy with a buzzing atmosphere both evening and morning during our stay. I highly recommend dining here and if we lived closer this would definitely be a regular spot for us with its open kitchens, Cadillac booths and classic dishes such as hot wings with blue cheese, waffles and shakes which were a massive hit with kids. 

Mollies Motels

Mollies Motels

The breakfast was also a real treat, with sweet and savoury dishes, I went for the classic Eggs Florentine while the kids opted for rather decadent French toast topped with fresh cream and blueberries, along with freshly brewed coffee it's the perfect way to start the day. 

What I loved about our stay was how relaxed and laid back is all felt and after a busy day exploring Oxford that is exactly what we wanted, this was reflected right until we checked out at 11am, giving us more than enough time to enjoy breakfast without rushing. 

Mollies Motel

I would definitely stay at Mollie's Motel again, it's great seeing places that are forward-thinking with a unique interior-led design while being welcoming to families, thumbs up all round. 

*We were invited to stay at Mollie's Motel, this review is 100% my own views

Mollies Motel

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What to do if you lose your Driving Licence on Medical Grounds


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*This post contains affiliate links 

Losing your driving licence can be a real nightmare, especially if it's because of a medical condition. Having a medical condition myself, which luckily doesn't currently affect my ability to drive, does make me think about these things more often, especially as I live in a small town with limited public transport. 

The DVLA (Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) has to make sure everyone on the road is safe, so if they think your health might make driving risky, they can revoke your licence. If you've found yourself in this situation, don't panic. Let's break down what you can do.

Why would a Licence be Revoked?

First things first, you need to understand why the DVLA took your licence away. They usually revoke licences for conditions like epilepsy, heart issues, vision problems, and mental health concerns. Here’s what you should do.


Steps to Take After Your Licence Has Been Revoked

Read the DVLA Letter: The letter from the DVLA will explain their reasons. Make sure you understand what it says.

Talk to Your Doctor: Discuss the DVLA's decision with your GP or specialist. They can give you more details about your condition and how it affects your driving.

Get a Second Opinion: If you think the decision was unfair, consider getting a second opinion from another medical professional.

How to Get Your Licence Back

If you have managed to get your medical issues under control you can start the process of reapplying for your licence. Here's how:

Collect Medical Reports: Get all the necessary reports showing that your condition is under control or has improved.

Fill Out the D1 Application Form: You can find this form on the DVLA website.

Send in Your Application: Include your medical reports with the D1 form and send them to the DVLA.

The DVLA might ask you to have a medical examination with one of their appointed doctors.

form filling

Getting Legal Advice

If you are feeling unsure about any part of this process then it might be a good idea to consult with a solicitor. They can offer expert advice tailored to your specific situation and help you navigate the steps to get your licence back.

Staying Safe and Legal

While it’s incredibly frustrating to lose your licence, remember that these rules are there to keep you and others safe. Driving with a revoked licence can lead to serious legal trouble, including fines and a longer disqualification.

Alternative Transport Options

During this time, you’ll need to explore other transport options:

Public Transport: Depending on where you live, buses, trains, and taxis can be good alternatives.

Family and Friends: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from those close to you.

Community Services: Some areas offer transport services for people who can’t drive due to medical reasons.

public transport

Preventing Future Issues

Once you’ve got your licence back, you’ll want to make sure you don’t end up in the same situation again:

Regular Check-ups: Keep up with your medical appointments.

Healthy Lifestyle: Maintain a healthy lifestyle to manage your condition.

Medication: Take any prescribed medication as directed by your doctor.
Appealing the Decision

If you believe your licence was unfairly revoked, you have the right to appeal. 

Here’s what to do:

Write to the DVLA: Explain why you think the decision was wrong, and include any supporting medical evidence.

Magistrates’ Court: If the DVLA doesn’t change their decision, you can appeal to the Magistrates’ Court.
Dealing with the Emotional Impact

Having your driving licence revoked can be a significant emotional blow. It's not just about the inconvenience; it can also feel like a loss of independence. 

Here are some tips for dealing with the emotional impact:

Talk About It: Sharing your feelings with family and friends can help. They can offer support and understanding.

Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling to cope, talking to a counsellor or therapist might be beneficial.

Stay Active: Keeping busy with hobbies and activities can take your mind off things and help you feel more positive.


Coping Without a Licence

Living without a driving licence can be challenging, but it’s manageable with some adjustments:

Plan Ahead: If you need to get somewhere, plan your journey in advance. Check public transport schedules or arrange a lift.

Use Technology: Apps like Uber and Lyft make it easier to get around without a car. You can also use delivery services for groceries and other essentials.

Explore Local Options: Many communities have local transport services for people who can’t drive. Look into what’s available in your area.

The Importance of Compliance

It might be tempting to continue driving even after your licence has been revoked, but this is not a risk worth taking. Here’s why:

Legal Consequences: Driving without a valid licence can result in heavy fines, penalty points, and even imprisonment.

Insurance Issues: If you drive without a licence and get into an accident, your insurance won’t cover you. This could leave you with huge financial liabilities.

Safety Concerns: If the DVLA has revoked your licence for medical reasons, driving could be dangerous for you and others on the road.

Rebuilding Confidence

Getting back on the road after your licence has been reinstated can be daunting. Here are some tips to rebuild your confidence:

Start Slowly: Take short trips to familiar places before you venture further afield.

Refresher Lessons: Consider taking a few driving lessons to brush up on your skills and regain confidence.

Stay Informed: Keep up to date with any changes in driving regulations and ensure you’re always driving legally.


Final Thoughts

Having your driving licence revoked on medical grounds is a major inconvenience, but it’s important to stay calm and take the right steps. Understanding the reason for the revocation, reapplying with the correct documents, and seeking legal advice if needed are key actions. 

Remember, these rules are in place to ensure safety. By following the proper steps, you can work towards getting back on the road.

Ultimately, staying proactive about your health and following the DVLA’s guidelines can help you regain your independence and drive safely.

 Keep in mind that maintaining your health is not just about keeping your licence, but also about ensuring a better quality of life overall.

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Some simple ways to pay less for your next car


Road trip

Living outside of the city in a fairly small village, owning a car makes our family life much easier. Unless you live in a city with an excellent transport network getting the kids to and from sport or their various clubs without a car would be very difficult. Most of us are very conscious of doing what we can to reduce our carbon footprint and while we do use public transport when we can, having a family car is still essential for us and our current one is very old and could do with being replaced with a more efficient one.

Of course, there is a limit to how much we can afford to spend when it comes to purchasing a vehicle. As I'm currently going through the process of looking for car I thought I share what I'm doing to reduce costs.

My biggest tip is to look at the second-hand market, there are lots of dealers that specialise in second-hand vehicles that have undergone all the recommended checks and many also come with some sort of warranty. 


Securing the best finance

For most people, car finance payments are the biggest monthly expense. As a result, getting the best finance deal is by far the best way to save. The suggestions below will help you to do this:

· Give yourself plenty of time to search for the right deal

· Understand what all of your options are including a PCP, HP, bank loans and other forms of car finance

· Check your credit score and take steps to improve it before you go shopping for a car

· Consider buying the car in the name of the person in the household who has the best credit rating

· Set up a spreadsheet so that you can compare deals, when you do this look at the total amount you will pay including fees, not just the interest rate

· Don´t be afraid to negotiate, even finance companies give discounts, for example, reduce the arrangement fee

· Delay your purchase so you can save up a bigger deposit

· If you can afford the higher monthly payments opt to pay the loan back across a shorter period

· Read the terms and conditions in full and look for any hidden fees

· If there is anything about the deal you are offered that you are not sure about, always ask for clarification


Finding a relatively inexpensive vehicle

The lower the price of the car you choose to buy the less you will need to borrow and the less interest you pay. This sounds obvious I know, but when you go out to buy a car it is extremely easy to get swept up in the excitement. Dealers are incredibly good at tempting potential customers, so it is common for people to end up spending thousands more than is strictly necessary.

These tips will help you to choose a relatively cheap model that meets all of your needs. Then, find one for a good price:

· Sit down and calmly write down what you actually need, mentally going through how your family uses a car day to day will help to ensure you don´t miss anything important

· Identify makes and models that meet your criteria, and that you like the look of

· Go online and read a few reviews to check if it is really for you

· Check the price using a website like Parker

· Use a car finance calculator to work out if you can afford the make and model, you like the most

· Most new cars lose around 40% of their ticket value after just 3 years, so consider buying a car that is a few years old

· If you really want a new car, see if the dealer has a test drive vehicle available, often they are a bit cheaper

· If you are not going to be driving far, consider buying a car with a slightly higher-than-average mileage

· Keep an eye out for cars that are not black, white, or silver, other colours are not as popular so sometimes they are slightly cheaper

The above is not designed to completely cover the subject of keeping the cost of your motoring down. It is more of a checklist that you can use as inspiration and to guide your own research.


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Design Secrets for Crafting a Luxury Bathroom in a Small Space


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luxury bathroom

Transforming a small bathroom into a calming retreat might seem challenging, but with the right design it's entirely possible to maximize both comfort and elegance in a limited space . In urban and city environments where space is at a premium, every design choice must combine functionality with aesthetic appeal to create an environment that feels both spacious and relaxing. This guide will reveal how homeowners can elevate their small bathrooms by employing clever design techniques and high-end finishes.

Leveraging Vertical Space

In small bathroom designs, vertical space is your ally. By focusing upward, you can draw the eye away from the limited floor area. Tall, slender cabinets not only provide ample storage but also create a feeling of height. Floating shelves are another excellent way to utilize vertical space, they offer a platform for decorative items or toiletries without cluttering the floor. Additionally, installing wall-mounted fixtures like sinks and toilets can free up valuable floor space, making the bathroom appear larger and more streamlined.

Choosing the Right Color Palette

The colour scheme plays a pivotal role in shaping the perception of space within a bathroom. Light, neutral colours like soft whites, pastels, or cool greys are ideal for making a small bathroom feel larger and more open. These shades reflect more light, which helps to visually expand the space.

To inject a touch of luxury, incorporate dark, rich tones through accents such as navy, black, or emerald green in linens, the vanity, or even trim. This strategy adds depth and a sense of indulgence without overwhelming the small space.

small bathroom

Maximizing Space with Expert Help

For those looking to truly maximize the potential of their small bathrooms, consulting with professional Memphis bathroom remodelers can be invaluable. These experts can provide tailored solutions that cleverly use every inch of space.

From custom-built solutions that fit uniquely shaped areas to advice on the best fixtures that combine style and functionality, professionals can transform a cramped space into a luxurious haven, ensuring all elements are perfectly aligned with the homeowner's vision and the bathroom's physical constraints.

Incorporating High-End Materials

Utilising high-end materials is a surefire way to add a touch of luxury to any bathroom. Materials like marble, granite, or designer tiles can elevate the aesthetic and feel of the space.

These materials not only look stunning but are also durable and timeless. Using them in key areas such as the countertop, shower walls, or flooring can create focal points that draw the eye and exude elegance. While these materials can be more expensive, their durability and visual impact are often worth the investment, especially in a small space where less material is required.

Smart Lighting Design

Proper lighting is essential in making a small bathroom feel larger and more luxurious. Strategic use of lighting can enhance the room's aesthetics and functionality. Incorporate layers of light with overhead lighting for general illumination, task lighting around the mirror for grooming, and accent lighting to highlight architectural features or decor. Dimmer switches allow for adjustable lighting levels to set different moods, whether bright for morning routines or soft for relaxing evening baths. Clever placement of lights can also highlight the luxurious materials used, enhancing their texture and colour.

small bathroom

Installing Glass Features

Glass is a transformative material in the design of small bathrooms, creating an illusion of space while maintaining functionality. Installing clear glass shower doors can open up the bathroom, making it appear larger than it is. This transparency allows for visible continuity across the room, unlike shower curtains which can segment and visually reduce the space. Large, unframed mirrors can also amplify light and reflect the room back, further enhancing the feeling of spaciousness. Consider a mirrored wall across from a window to maximize natural light and create an expansive visual effect.

The Illusion of Space with Large Tiles

The size of the tiles in a bathroom can dramatically affect the perception of space. Large format tiles with minimal grouting lines reduce visual clutter and can make the floor area seem more extensive than it actually is. Whether on the floors or the walls, these tiles create a smooth, uninterrupted surface that enhances the room's openness. Go for light-coloured tiles to reflect more light and add to the airy feel, or use glossy finishes to bounce light around the room, creating a bright and inviting atmosphere.

Reflective Surfaces to Enhance Light

Using reflective surfaces is an effective way to enhance the natural and artificial light within a small bathroom. Materials like chrome fixtures, glossy cabinets, and metallic tiles can reflect light, helping to brighten the room and make it appear larger. These surfaces add a touch of glamour and sophistication while amplifying the light available in the room. Position these reflective elements strategically to get the most benefit from their properties, ensuring they enhance the room's overall brightness and open feel.

Creating a Spa-Like Atmosphere

Turning a bathroom into a spa-like retreat is all about focusing on sensory details. Incorporate elements like plush towels, soft bath mats, and a robe for post-shower comfort. Introduce aromatherapy through diffusers or scented candles to create a relaxing ambience. The sound of soothing music or a small water feature can further enhance the atmosphere, making your bathroom not just a functional space but a sanctuary for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Elevating Small Spaces

Designing a luxury bathroom in a small space is an art that combines strategic use of materials, innovative features, and meticulous attention to detail. Make use of these design secrets to craft a bathroom that not only meets your functional needs but also provides a luxurious escape within your home. For those looking to embark on such a transformation, engaging with experienced professionals can ensure that your vision becomes a beautifully realized reality. Apply these insights to create a space that is not only efficient and luxurious but also a true reflection of your personal style and sophistication.

spa bathroom

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Inspired a love for Science at home with Tinkerer




Tinkerer box

Like all parents, I want to encourage a love of learning in my children and to bring learning into the home. Tinkerer is on a quest to inspire children's creative confidence and give them the right tools to explore Science and Art safely in the home through their monthly STEM boxes. 

Founded by two engineers, Stephen and Elaine who are parents themselves, who wanted to help nature the desire for children to learn and grow independently and together Tinkerer was born. 

The monthly boxes provide everything your children need to dive into hands-on projects that are educational, fun and challenging. There are three different boxes depending on your children's age, which ensures they are offered projects that are within their capabilities but still stretch their creative thinking.  

Wonder boxes for 3-5yr olds, Odyssey for 6-8yr olds and Explore for 9-12yr olds. Each box comes includes a fun theme, quality materials, an educational magazine and step-by-step instructions for children to be able to follow independently. 

STEM box

My boys were sent the Explore box which contained a kit to build a child-friendly repeating crossbow along with a fantastic magazine that not only delved into the science behind the crossbow but also the evolution and history of the crossbow, along with a story of William Tell and how Crossbow Kinestics work. The boys worked completely independently on their project and thoroughly enjoyed the whole process, especially as the instructions are visually lead which also made it easier for my one son who has dyslexia. 

As a parent I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of the materials and that while it was within the boys capabilities, it did offer a challenge and took time for them to put to together. The magazine is also fun but very educational and printed on thick paper, as are the instructions and it was all packed in a strong and robust box. 

You can purchase one-off boxes but the best value is to go for a monthly subscription as low as £17.80 per month with free UK shipping. If your children love science or you want to encourage their curiosity then the Tinkerer boxes are fantastic. 

craft box

We were kindly sent a box to review, words and thoughts my own. 

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