How to reduce your carbon footprint while travelling


sustainable travel

*This post contains affiliate links 

We’re all excited by the prospect of leaving the local area we’ve been more or less bound to for the past 12 months and heading away to explore the world again.But one important lesson that’s been confirmed to us since the pandemic struck is that when people don’t travel, the world is a cleaner place. So how can we continue to see and love our planet without creating a huge carbon footprint? Here are some tips...

Use green transport

Obviously, there are times when avoiding taking to the air is impossible, such as travelling from the UK to New Zealand. But for shorter journeys to other European destinations consider taking the bus or train. After all, why the rush? You’re on holiday!

The easiest way to minimise the carbon footprint from the transport you use is to holiday within the UK and take public transport to your destination. It can be a much more relaxing way to travel than by car, and you tend to see more of the landscape through which you travel, as you’ve nothing else to worry about.

Also, think about the transport you use once you’re actually on holiday. Do you need a hire car, or could you travel by bike? Do you need to go anywhere at all, or could you just enjoy spending a week lazing around your beautiful destination?

local food

Eat local

This is an important one, as well as a thoroughly enjoyable one. Shop at the local markets, choose restaurants that serve local food. You’ll discover more new tastes than you thought existed, it greatly enhances the cultural experience of your trip away, and the food miles will be cut dramatically.

Choose eco-friendly accommodation

Choose those that have made a commitment to cutting their carbon footprint. They might be using renewable energy, sourcing local cuisine, are off-grid such as glamping or offsetting their carbon. If you make it clear to everyone that this is why you’ve chosen this particular hotel, other accommodation providers will realise this is a way to attract new visitors and will put their efforts into cutting their carbon footprints too.



Offset your own carbon footprint

This is accepting the fact that your trip will harm the environment to some extent, despite your best efforts to minimise this. Instead, you can buy carbon offsets to neutralise your impact. That would mean giving money to an organisation that plants trees, creates green renewable energy, or a whole host of similar schemes.

It’s not always comfortable to consider the contradiction between your desire for a greener planet and the problems you cause the world from your desire to travel. But if you manage the issue head-on, you’ll see there are plenty of ways you can reduce your impact to a minimum, and perhaps even help the situation by encouraging others to do likewise.
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Useful gadgets and tech for your next adventure abroad



*Collaborative Post 

While we cannot travel much at the moment, hopefully, things will slowly change for the better soon and we can start getting excited about planning for our next adventures. Wherever you are in the world, chances are you’ll see someone using at least one form of technology as they go about their day. The most obvious one is a smartphone, with our phones capable of performing a whole host of functions they have become quickly embedded in our lives, not only for communication but for photography and sharing our travels with others. There is also a range of travel tech many modern-day holidaymakers can’t seem to get enough of it.

Some of the products on offer are a tad gimmicky, promising to provide a range of functionalities when in actual fact, they hardly deliver. So I thought I would share a few tech products that are beneficial to any traveller and enable even the most tiresome of journeys to go a bit more smoothly. Just like a comfortable travel pillow or a camera capable of capturing high-quality images as you venture through Italy, or a portable white noise machine to help your little one sleep, the options are vast.

With holidaymakers turning to a number of popular travel tech and gadgets in 2021, I thought I’d narrow it down to some of the best products ahead of your next trip away.

Osmo Mobile 2 Handheld Smartphone Gimbal

Being placed in charge of capturing some memorable holiday snaps or footage can be a big ask, especially if you’re only using a smartphone. To improve your chances of nailing the challenge, consider purchasing an Osmo Mobile 2 Handheld Smartphone Gimbal. This clever device will hold your phone steadily in place thanks to its built-in controls, which allow you to move the phone in a sweeping motion, enabling you to take solid images without the worry of having any shaky or blurry shots.


PowerCore 20100 Power Bank

I personally always carry a portable charger with me on my travels and adventures because you can never be sure when you may have access to a charger, especially as we have become increasingly reliant on our smartphone devices not only for taking photos but for email, booking details or Sat Nav to help locate a local restaurant or to pass the time on a coach by trying games online for a change. Keeping a battery fully charged can be a challenge, though, particularly if you’re travelling from location to location. In order to make sure your battery doesn’t die, buy a PowerCore 20100 Power Bank. This power bank is easy to carry around, and it offers two USB ports so you can charge two devices at the same time.

No Bounds House of Marley Bluetooth Speaker

I have one of these speakers myself and can vouch for how well made they are and the quality of sound -  perfect for a little bit of music when you're on the beach or having a picnic on a hike. It's also pretty robust being water and dustproof and has a 10hr playtime so isn't going to flake out on your mid-song. The No bounds speaker is also crafted with sustainable cork which is pretty cool. 

Nano smart backpack

Nayo Defensor Anti-theft Smart Backpack

The Nayo Smart Anti-theft backpack is perfect for those who are travelling with high-value tech such as a laptop and camera that you want to keep safe, along with your passport and travel documents. The Nayo Defensor makes it really hard for any pickpocketers to gain access to and has locking zippers, slash-proof and waterproof fabric and secret pockets along with an ergonomic design making it comfortable to carry. 

OVO Travel-Size Iron and Steamer

Creased or wrinkled clothes can be a real pain in the backside for people while they’re on an adventure abroad. To make sure you always look your best, consider purchasing the OVO Travel-Size Iron and Steamer. This miniature iron and steamer works brilliantly, and it only weighs 1.6 lbs, too. 

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Why adult tricycles are so accessible and the benefits of riding one



*Written in collaboration with Jorvik

Tricycles are increasing in popularity all over the world, with cyclists of all ages are realising they are much more safer and accessible option for everyone. They are great for the environment and they provide fun for all the family, what more is there to love?

This post takes you through all the benefits a tricycle has to offer, so if you are thinking of swapping from a bike to a trike, this post will be sure to convert you. Check out the list of benefits below:


One of the biggest benefits to adult tricycles are that they are accessible to a wide range of people. As they have three wheels and are known to be much sturdier than bikes, tricycles are great for those that are young or old, those that don’t feel comfortable riding two-wheelers, or for those who have disabilities. They provide a user with much more balance and support, and therefore, for those with autism or dyspraxia, a tricycle is the perfect companion for transport or exercise.


As previously mentioned, adult tricycles have three big sturdy wheels, this provides a lot more stability when riding, and means you are less likely to tumble over when riding like you would on a bike. Tricycles are also a lot more noticeable than a bike, because of their large stature, this means when riding on the roads, cars and other motorists will spot you straight away, so you can be safe in the knowledge that you are very visible and it will be unlikely a collision will occur.

Jorvik Tricycles have a large range of adult tricycles on offer, from electric to fold away, so if you are on the hunt for a safer cycling option, Jorvik will have the perfect adult trike for you. To ensure that accidents on the roads are avoided, wearing bright hi-visibility vests, and equipping your tricycle with sufficient lighting is a good idea.


Adult tricycles are very similar to the bikes you may have ridden when you were younger that had stabilisers attached to them, the only differences is that adult tricycles look much cooler and they are not just for young children. Having three fat tyres and a front suspension makes riding on all terrains really easy. Adult tricycles are also much lower to the ground, which makes climbing hills much easier than climbing hills on a bike.

adult tricycle


Tricycles make a family day out in nature a pleasurable and stress-free experience. When riding a bike, there is always the chance that someone might tumble over and hurt themselves, and they also make carrying cargo difficult. But with a tricycle, you can be comfortable that children will be able to ride them, as the two wheels at the back act as stabilisers. Adult tricycles also allow riders to carry a large amount of cargo with them, whether this is by using a trike trailer or an attachable cargo bag.

Environmentally friendly

Tricycles are great for the environment, and as they are accessible to a wider range of people, this gives a wider range of people the opportunity to help out the environment, by swapping their commute in a car or on a train to riding a tricycle! Some people may want to help the environment out by riding a bike into work, but because they are not confident on two-wheels this is stopping them and therefore stopping them from doing their bit for the environment.

Mental wellbeing

There is nothing better than getting out in the fresh air to help your mental wellbeing. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed, sometimes getting out in nature and exercising is all you need to feel positive. Riding a tricycle is a great way to clear the mind, and to feel at one with the outdoors.

So, do you think riding a tricycle is for you? With all these benefits, getting a tricycle will be one of the best decisions you make. And with Winter on the way and cold weather turning the roads icy, a tricycle is sure to be a safe way to get around.

If you are unsure what type of adult tricycle would be best for you, get in touch with the team at Jorvik who will be happy to answer any questions you have.


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8 reasons to embrace gardening



*This post contains affiliate links 

Outdoor spaces, whether in our own home or community based, feel more essential than ever as they can offer us a space to relax and decompress and step away from everything that is going on in the world right now. I have always enjoyed spending time in my small garden, it's brought me a lot of focus over the past 12 months so I thought  I would share 8 ways that gardening can positively impact your life, as well as the people and world around you. 

1.It Improves Wellbeing

It’s well-known that gardening – plus spending time in the fresh air and being close to nature – is beneficial to mental health. Gardening can help people suffering from anxiety, depression and bereavement, and living near green spaces can reduce mental distress. Some GPs are even starting to prescribe gardening for rehabilitation. This includes community gardens which encourage people to make new social connections and improve their wellbeing.

2. It Let's You Be Creative, Organised and Purposeful

Gardens offer a creative outlet where you can design your own space, plan and organise how it will change throughout the year, and take control over what you want to grow and how you want it to suit your needs. By being organised you can make the most of your outdoor space, you can make an area for gardening, growing your own veg and even if space allows you could install outdoor gym equipment that lets you exercise while enjoying the fresh air – an affordable, long-term alternative to gym subscriptions. You can also play sports such as football, padel and badminton in the sunshine and soak up vitamin D to promote healthy teeth and bones.

3. It's great for fitness

Not only is gardening itself good weight-bearing exercise, but gardens provide areas to work out in that can’t be found indoors. If you have space you can put a yoga mat outsides and enjoy exercising in the fresh air – an affordable, long-term alternative to gym subscriptions plus a great way to top up your Vitamin D. 

wild nature kids

4. It's perfect for the whole family

Gardening has no age limit and everyone can get involved, from toddlers to grandparents and planting a garden together can be so fulfilling. Also designing an outdoor space that can be used by friends and family allows for my quality time with loves ones as well and can become a multi-functional space for enjoying hobbies such as painting, bird watching and social family gatherings such as barbeques. A garden and gardening is especially great for spending time with the kids, who can play and get closer to nature, but make sure they stay safe when they’re outside in the sun.

5. They Have a Positive Impact on Wildlife and the Environment

Gardens are incredible places that benefit the world around us and have a positive effect on the environment. They provide habitats and shelter for wildlife and preserve important ecosystems to prevent imbalances in nature. Many plants like wildflowers let pollinators thrive, and gardens can be made even more supportive to wildlife by setting up anything from woodpiles for hibernation areas to bird feeders to nourish our feathered friends. Carbon is absorbed and stored by plants and trees in particular which then give out oxygen so we can breathe!

6. You Can Reap The Rewards of What You Grow

Growing produce in the garden means that you can enjoy saving money on food bills in the long-term. Caring for plants and watching them grow is incredibly satisfying too, and yields tasty results! Plus, who wants to purchase bouquets from a shop when you can display flowers in your home that have been freshly cut from your back yard?  Growing your own will also reduce your carbon footprint too; doing this instead of buying food from supermarkets means that you create less waste from packaging, and the food that you eat hasn’t had to travel long distances involving large carbon emissions to get to your plate. To be successful at growing your own you need to make sure your veggies get enough water so do ensure that everything is working and in good condition and that you don't need a sprinkler repair and if you do get it done early in the season. 

grow your own

7. They Teach Kids About Our Planet

Gardening can help teach children about wildlife and the environment first hand and how the natural world grows and changes, as well as the impact that they can have on all of these things. Being closer to nature can also encourage kids to be curious and caring and can support their school learning in areas including science and art.

8. It Can Be Enjoyed All Year Round

There’s something to be experienced in gardens in every season, whether it’s growing plants from seed in the greenhouse in the winter or enjoying picnics in the summer. And, as long as you have a sheltered area, you can enjoy them in all weathers too. Shade sails offer protection from rain and UV rays and come in a wide range of colours and shapes to suit your space. They’re perfect for covering a comfortable seating area where you can relax outdoors. Take a look at the shade sail uk range from A&S Landscape if you’re interested in this versatile product.

Gardens offer us a myriad of benefits, and there’s no doubt that they’re important parts of our daily lives. So, no matter the time of year, get outdoors and enjoy them with your family and friends as much as you can!
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4 simple ways to be a more assertive business woman



business woman

It is without a doubt harder to navigate the business world as a woman in comparison to our male counterparts but while leaps are being made in terms of equality in the workplace we are not there just yet so working on being assertive in the workplace is key. We often unfairly have to walk a fine line which men don't by being confident without appearing to cocky or being labelled bossy, which is complete double standards! Well, you won’t find them here! So if you’re looking for help on how to be a strong woman in the workplace, you’re in the right place.

Use your Commute (if you're returning to a place of work after the restrictions) 

The first part of your working day is your commute. It’s easy to use this time to aimlessly scroll your phone, get your caffeine fix, and maybe send an email or two. However, you could use your commute to get into the right mindset for the day. Set intentions of what you’d like to achieve and create a clear plan. Your journey should be stress-free as possible so make sure to check your train times in advance, make your lunch the night before and aim to start the day without feeling rushed, that way your more ready to attack any problems head-on. 

Younger Sibling Energy

Younger sibling energy is also known as toddler psychology. Picture a baby trying to follow their older sibling, even though they don’t know how to walk yet. You can harness this same energy in your professional life. Visualise someone you know and admire wanting to achieve a task. Then you can try it, too. You get up and you give it a go. You might fall down in the process, but it’s all about building your confidence and skills. You’ll get there.

business woman

Believe in your value

Part of this energy is asking yourself: would a man do it? You may or may not be familiar with the following statistic. Women will apply for a role if they meet 100% of the requirements, whereas men will apply if they meet 60%. While this proved to be speculative rather than a fact, there is something to be said for having the same confidence as your male colleagues. Unfortunately, women tend to set a low bar for themselves. The next time you find yourself doing this, ask yourself would a man behave like that?


Make sure to surround yourself with strong, supportive, women to act as a reliable network. They will celebrate your successes and vice versa. Inspire one other. You can also use realtime review software to access real-time feedback on all your projects, allowing you to pinpoint weaker areas of your business in a supportive way. Be a strong professional woman can take work. A couple of changes in your inner dialogue can make a world of difference. Do you have tips for navigating the workplace as a woman?

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Simple ways to De-stress in 2021


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and breath

*This post contains afflialte links 

The past year has affected everyone in one way or another and it's certainly not been the easiest year to put it mildly. With social distancing, working from home of which many parents are also balancing that with homeschooling and even simple things becoming rather stressful, like doing the weekly food shop, now is the time to make sure we are taking time for ourselves and keeping on top of things like stress.

There have of course been many positives to the last year with many people switching to working from home and preferring it, also increased family time, local walks and getting outdoors, reducing the commute and for some learning new skills.

While we are still nowhere near "normal" its more important than ever to look after our mental wellbeing, so here are 5 simple ways to help reduce stress in your life. 

1. Get outside

We all know the benefits of making time to get some fresh air and we really cannot underestimate what an impact it can have on our lives especially when we are living during a period of restrictions, cabin fever can set in even quicker, causing the atmosphere in the home to feel tense. Getting outdoors can offer a new perspective and also be a place for children to burn some energy off as well as keep you moving and exercise, even just walking, is a fantastic stress reliever. 

get outdoors

2. Work on your relationships

At a time when socially distancing now seems the norm, keeping our relationships going can be quite hard, so do get to grips with platforms and apps such as Zoom and WhatsApp, yes it's not the same but it's still beneficial and gives you a chance to talk to someone or help work things through with advice from friends. Of course, picking up the phone is always a good option especially for the older generation such as grandparents, keeping in touch with them is key. If you have a partner, now is also the time to work on your communication skills with them as sometimes that can get lost especially when juggling working from home, keeping on top of the home and homeschooling and as well all know bedroom intimacy is a great way to reduce stress, even if you have to use some Tadalafil.

3. Stop Doomscrolling 

With more people stuck at home, many are spending more time on social media than before and it's so easy to get sucked into negative news stories which can leave you feeling emotionally drained. While social media can be a great source of inspiration it can also be a place that is disheartening and a source of additional stress. For many of us, our phones are essential but we need to find a workable balance so it doesn't become all-consuming - easy ways to stop endless doomscrolling is 1. Allocate a time to check your social media and keep to that time and switch off when it's over 2. make your mornings a screen-free time, starting the day without a bombardment of news can be really beneficial 3. avoid negative places and look for more uplifting sites that share positive news stories rather than negative ones such as Positive News


4. Take time to breath

There is a reason why so many people swear by things like Yoga and Meditation for helping to reduce stress and best of all these can be done in the comfort of your own home with little outlay or cost - with so many free Yoga classes and meditation guides on YouTube there really isn't any excuse not to try. Both can help you to slow down, focus on your breathing and to bring relaxation and calm to your life, which is what we all need right now. 

5. Go to bed early

This one can be easier said than done, with us balancing more spinning plates than ever, often our sleep pattern is disturbed or we simply sacrifice sleep to work but it's actually something we should be prioritising more than ever. Sleep plays such an important role in both our physical and mental wellbeing and poor sleep can actually contribute to things like depression and heart disease while a good night sleep improves your immune system, productivity and can help stop the production of stress hormones. So why not try to get to bed 1 hour earlier than normal? Could do you the world of good. 

Hope you fund these tip useful and if you have any that work for your please feel free to share in the comments box below. 


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8 Practical Tips to Stay Productive Even in Lockdown


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work from home

*This post contains affiliate links 

The past year has been a pretty crazy ride and our new normal, well just isn't normal, yet. The Coronavirus pandemic has forced us into isolation and seclusion in our homes. It is quite jarring that we can’t go out for social functions, work or meet with friends and family without having to social distance or not at all when under lockdown.

The quarantine period has forced many of us into boredom and loneliness. On the brighter side, the quarantine has provided enough time to bond with family, study, or work from home. Confinement without a routine is quite daunting and has affected how most people operate. Life in the pandemic has been a call for adaptation, we have had to learn how to make changes in our life while observing the health regulations but also keeping our mental wellbeing in mind. 

Many of us have switched to working or studying from home which on the flip side does provide the opportunity for one to hone personal skills and stay organised. I've spent the past decade working from home so feel I can share some tips to help you maintain your productivity while working from home during this period when restrictions and lockdowns are still in our lives. 

1. Organise Your Day

During this period, you may have more than enough time to organise and plan on how to spend your day. Thus, you should implement a structure to help you manage your daily tasks. You may decide to plan daily or organise your monthly schedule using a personalised calendar. Start your day by sketching down a basic (but clear) to-do list. Set a time for each task that you intend to complete. You can use different colours for each job and make sticky notes as well.

Having a daily schedule provides you with a sense of control and responsibility. Ensure that you stick to your schedule and set aside break-times after tasks. Plan a few activities to help you relax after completing each task. Planning and sticking to your program not only increases your productivity but also improves your time and task management skills.

2. Have a Realistic Schedule

Making the wrong to-do list will make it difficult for you to complete specific tasks or spend too much time on one task. To avoid this, you should make a list of the functions that you intend to complete within the day using sticky notes, a diary, notebook, or an app on your phone.

You can then decide how you want to consolidate the tasks. You may prioritise each job based on the sense of urgency and deadlines. Also, you can break down your tasks into categories such as home, work, or school. Your tasks don’t need to be in one long to-do list as you can have multiple lists. It is much easier to accomplish your daily objectives if you break them down into short achievable tasks.


3. Regular Exercising

Lockdowns and restrictions affect both mental and physical health. Apart from observing your mental health, it is also a good idea to keep your physical health in check.

Make sure you take time out from work to exercise and get outdoors. Apart from exercising, ensure that you have well-balanced meals with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables. Also, ensure that you have access to clean and safe drinking water. Exercising, a proper diet and staying hydrated will keep you focused and positively impact your physical and mental health.

4. Have Different Work Places

You might be uncomfortable working in a restricted space primarily if you were used to going down to the coffee shop or somewhere comfortable for you. While working from home, you may set up your default working space.

Working from your desk may sometimes be uncomfortable and deem you unproductive. Although it is discouraged to leave our homes, you can still work in different places within your home. You can start your day by working on your desk, then move to the dining table and continue working. Your couch also provides a sweet spot for you to work from but don't make a habit of working in front of the TV as this could reduce your productivity. If you have a garden it may be nice on sunny days to also utilise that space. Working while switching your workspace keeps your mind and body proactive, thus enhanced productivity.

5. Consider Upcoming Deadlines

When planning your schedule, consider the tasks with limited completion time. Prioritise the tasks with approaching deadlines. Check your calendar to confirm the upcoming deadlines for your tasks. When planning your schedule, include the completion time of each task to know when they are due. Knowing the deadlines will enable you to work on tasks stress-free and without rushing to beat the deadline. The last-minute can save a man, but don’t let it get there.

6. Enroll for Online Courses

Sharpening your skills and gaining new knowledge will improve your work quality and knowledge base. In these uncertain times, online courses provide the best opportunities for learning and interaction. Online courses enable you to learn new things at your speed and from wherever you like. Take time from your work to expand your knowledge and acquire new skills.


7. Set Aside Personal Time

All work with no play makes Jack a dull boy. Don’t get buried in your books or work and seclude some time for doing the things you like or bonding with your family. Spend some time alone to reflect and plan. Solitude allows you to discover your hidden talents and abilities. Taking up some “me-time” may help you find more hobbies and build on your mental strength. Self-care is essential during this period, and spending time in solitude will improve your well-being and increase your productivity.

Making time for your hobbies and interests is very important, regardless of what they are or how physically demanding they are. It could be hiking or walking, playing games (whether online or offline), or even indulging in a little soccer betting for fun. Remember, balance is key to a fulfilling life.

8. Spring Clean Your Home

Cleaning your house thoroughly reduces stress and provides a favourable working environment. Hygiene is particularly important during this time. Maintain the cleanliness of your home by cleaning regularly and create a clean and safe space for you to work.

Cleaning as a task helps you to keep you focused and will have an impact on your mental health. Before you sit down to work on your desk, ensure that it is dust-free, clutter-free, and well organised. A clean home or workspace equates to a healthy mind that is parallel to improved productivity.

Things will get better

Everybody remains hopeful during these trying times that a solution to the problem will be found soon. Although the future is uncertain, try and make the most of your present. Take this lockdown period as an opportunity to improve your physical and mental wellness.

Keep in touch with your friends or workmates through video conferences or social media platforms. Spend quality time with your family and learn something new. Find a new hobby, read a book, study, or do anything constructive to keep you occupied.

We are all eager to resume our normal lives. Meanwhile, stay at home, stay safe and stay well. Nothing is permanent so hold on, everything will be fine.
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How we can help Keep Wales Safe as kids return to school



*This is a paid partnership with the Welsh Government 

Many parents across Wales are feeling both excited and anxious as children across the country slowly start to head back to school or formal activity settings and hopefully some small sense of normality during this unsettled time. 

We all know what a boost it is for children's mental health to see their friends again, interact and engage with their peers and teachers in an in-classroom or group setting alongside the benefits this will have on their education. Saying that we are still very much in the early days of the vaccination roll out and it's still essential we do our part to keep the infection rate as low as possible and help to not only keep our kids safe but also friends, family and teachers. 

While I don't have a return date for my children they will, when safe, start to socialise with others, friends or in a group setting eventually and these guidelines apply to everyone. 

I am working alongside the Welsh Government to help clarify what we as parents still need to do during this time of change as our parental role is really important in making sure we see a safe and sustainable return to school and in-classroom education, especially as schools and staff have been working hard to make schools as safe as possible

There are six key precautions we should all still be taking for the foreseeable future.

1. Do not send a child to school if they are feeling unwell, whether or not its the Coronavirus.

2. If possible continue to work from home

3. During school drop off and pick up social distancing needs to take place with other parents and chatting or socialising should be kept to a minimum. 

4. Do not arrange playdates in your home with other children or parents even if they are in your school bubble.

5. Do not share lifts to school or other activities unless you have no other choice. 

6. Continue to encourage the importance of handwashing and make sure your child washes their hands regularly. 

While children, in general, are not an at-risk group they can easily spread the virus on to someone who is more vulnerable. I know we are all feeling fatigued from the continuous restrictions but we have made some real gains in Wales in the fight against the pandemic and we all want the same goal at the end of the day, to have longer sustained normality for ourselves and our children and there is far more chance of this being achieved if we continue to be careful and take precautions.

For up to date information please go to

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Making Mothers Day special with Moonpig


fresh flowers

*Written in collaboration with

After the year we have had, for many of us, our priorities have changed. For me personally, less is always more and finding gifts for friends and family that are meaningful, practical and reusable is key. So I thought I would share a few fun and unique last-minute gift ideas. No matter the gift you choose, always accompany it with a fresh bouquet of flowers. This adds extra panache to the gifts. Go ahead view website to find the best blooms.

I understand that Mother's Day can be hard for some but if you do celebrate, no matter your family dynamic, if want to treat yourself or a motherly figure in your life then Moonpig is a great place to not only design and create a funny or meaningful personalised card but you can also send an array of other things such as a bottle of bubbly, beauty products, board games or foodie treats.

Normally my mothers Day is managing to get a little bit of a lie-in if I'm lucky and some scrambled egg on toast lovingly made by my 10yr old son and I wouldn't change a thing although after a very stressful year with the pandemic, working from home, homeschooling and the on and off lockdowns and restricts, I'm going to treat myself to a few little things as mothers have been stretched more than ever this year.

In all honesty, I always thought Moonpig was just cards but they really do so much more and with in-store shopping being tricker this year, it's the perfect site to use when it comes to any kind of celebrations such as Birthdays, Mothers/Fathers Day, Easter etc.

flowers and bubbly

I've had the chance to sample some of their products and can say first-hand how easy the ordering and delivery process is and I have been impressed from start to finish. Firstly the bouquet of flowers arrived in perfect condition and are still going strong a week later and are so beautiful and it feels like a real treat having fresh flowers in the home and have been bringing a pop of colouring during our lockdown in Wales.

I have also been trying out The Works Evening Detox Gift Set and Sanctuary Spa Special Occasion Hamper and my skin hasn't been so pampered in a long time. Also either of these gifts would be perfect for my own Mum which is what is great about Moonpig as you can shop for every single member of the family, from young to old as they even have toys and experience day vouchers.

luxury skincare

Lastly the Tea and Bubbles hamper was the cherry on top and throughout the year Moonpig put together themed hampers specifically for things like Easter, Christmas, Mothers Day. The Tea and Bubbles hamper contained a small bottle of Rose bubbly with strawberries and champagne conserve, a mini cherry and almond loaf cake, some handmade chocolate, herbal tea and Percy's white and chocolate cream biscuits - needless to say I have consumed most of this hamper and it's not even Mothers Day yet.

Mothers day hamper

If you have left things a little late don't fear you can still give a digital experience voucher such as Foodie-At-Home voucher to show your loved ones your care. You can also download the Moonpig app and upload special dates to remember such as birthdays and anniversaries so you never miss another one. 

*This was an unpaid collaboration and my words and thoughts are 100% my own. 
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10 activities to inspire creativity in 2021


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Tate Gallery

The past 12 months have not been easy for anyone with the pandemic affecting everyone's lives in one way or another. The majority of us have spent more time at home, reduced our travel and contact with others and at times it's felt like we have been stuck in groundhog day with multiple lockdowns in the UK. As we move towards a more positive future and hopefully a bit more normality we need to remember even this transition will take time and is likely to be a fairly slow process. So staying creative and trying new things (safely) can be a real boost for our mental and physical wellbeing in 2021 as we still fund ways to adjust to what is happening in our lives at the moment. 

I thought I would share 10 creative activities to help as we move out of lockdown slowly 

1. Visit an Art Gallery from the comfort of your own home

There is nothing more inspiring than a visit to an art gallery or museum although many of these have been closed to the public for the majority of the past year. You can have a virtual stroll around the National Gallery in London or take in Andy Warhols collection at the Tate, among many others online. 

2. Pick up a paintbrush or sketchpad 

When was the last time you sat outside and sketched a drawing with pencil and paper? Or got creative with some watercolour painting? Well now is as good a time as ever and painting can be such a boost for your mental wellbeing as well as being a relaxing way to spend an hour or two and can help to get your creative juices flowing for bigger projects


3. Practise meditation and mindfulness

Did you know that mindfulness and meditation can actually enhance your creativity as well as improve your general wellbeing, regulate emotions and focus which can be really important when it comes to decision making as well as improving productivity. Of course the more regularly you find time for mindfulness and mediation the better. 

4. Learn a Language for Free

There are some fantastic apps out there for learning new languages, with my personal favourite being Duolingo as it's so easy to use and only requires about 5-10mins per day to grasp the basics. 

5. Create a digital product to sell

With online creative businesses booming at the moment, now could be the right time to start your own, such as selling prints, personalised cards or journals and you really only need some basic design knowledge and creativity to get going. Using free platforms such as Canva can be a big help or purchasing handwriting fonts from Font Bundles to help customise your designs and bring a professional look to them. 

digital print

6. Upcycle furniture

We all have at least one piece of furniture that could do with some updating and with us spending more time in and around our homes than ever, now is a good time to set yourself a project, big or small doesn't matter and best of all you can get creative as you want so why not take a gander on Pinterest for some inspiration. 

7. Share your stories

Are you a natural storyteller? Or want to be? Then why not set up your own blog or try your hand at writing a children's book or novel. You never know where it may lead and you could try self-publish your stories. With the world becoming increasingly digital now is the perfect time to find a platform to share your stories. 

8. Learn to cook a new dish

No matter if you prefer savoury or sweet why not have a go at cooking something completely new to you. Maybe you have come across a challenging bake or cake technique you want to have a go at? I've tried a few new dishes during the past lockdown, some with great success and others a complete flop but it's all apart of the learning process. 


9. Take an online course and learn a new skill

Maybe you want to improve your CV or hone your skills in one subject or learn something completely new to you - either way, there are plenty of free courses online you can take today, in the comfort of your own home. Check out Future Learn and Udemy as they offer plenty of free or low-cost courses by professionals in their field. 

10. Enjoy a good old fashioned games night

When was the last time you got all the board games out? Whether you have children or not, board games as always a lot of fun and a great way to focus and switch off from screens. If your experiencing lockdown on your own then why not try a spot of jigsaws and puzzles which are seeing a surge in popularity at the moment. 

I hope this gives you some ideas and perhaps a little inspiration during these strange times we are living in, that we can still be creative, learn new things and have fun. 


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Lockdown Hair Care - 5 Causes of Dry Hair & What to do


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short hair

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Many of us are desperate to get to the hairdresser after months of lockdowns and restrictions but there are plenty of ways to keep on top of our locks in the meantime. Dry hair can be a nuisance. It looks dull and is more brittle which increases the chances of you breaking it, causing split ends and making it hard to achieve a workable style that you want. In fact, dry hair can even damage your self-confidence.

Fortunately, it’s not something that you have to live with. Once you know the five most common causes of dry hair you’ll be able to take steps to avoid or prevent these things from happening.

Over Use of Heat Styling Tools

Moisture is trapped in your hair by a protective coating of oil. This prevents the moisture from escaping and drying out your hair. However, heat evaporates the oil and the moisture from your hair which can be a risk when using heat styling tools such as your hairdryer and straightening tongs. These can strip the moisture which isn't ideal if you're using them every day, preventing your hair from being able to put the moisture back properly.

By simply cutting back on the use of heat styling tools will help, as will lowering the temperature of the tools.

The Wrong Products

Hair is surprisingly sensitive. That’s why one hair product can be perfect for one person and not for another. Using the wrong product can, at times, damage your hair’s ability to retain moisture and in turn cause you dry hair.

Instead of looking for one specific product, choose a range, such as this selection of purple shampoo products. You’ll then have the perfect product for every occasion, regardless of your hair type.

good hair day


Washing Your Hair Too Much

We all want our hair to look clean and silky but washing it every day can be too much for it. When you wash it you’ll be removing the natural oils on your scalp which protect your hair. This will make it appear dry. In addition, washing every day increases the risk of you damaging your hair, it's most fragile when it’s wet.

Try washing it every other day, you’ll be surprised at the difference and can say goodbye to dry hair. If you need to you can use dry shampoo on the days you’re not washing it.

Bleaching Products

You probably already know that bleach is not good for your hair. It strips it of colour and will quickly dry it out. What you may not realize is how many hair products contain bleach, as well as your hair dyes. Take a look at the ingredients and often ones with bleach in, it will reduce the likelihood of you having dry hair.

Environmental Issues

Finally, you should be aware that pollutants in the air, the sun’s rays, and various other environmental factors can affect your hair, causing it to dry out. It can be difficult to avoid all these environmental contaminants.

But, it is possible to reduce exposure by using protective products, wearing hats, and even avoiding certain places. You’ll need to check the environmental contaminants in your area but it’s worth doing.

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