7 ways to celebrate International Women's Day


Women skateboarding

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International Women's Day takes place on the 8th of March each year and it's an important event that marks not only the achievement of women throughout history but also as a constant reminder and call for action to progress towards gender equality. First and foremost it's a day for everyone, for women to support their peers, for men to take stock and think how they can be better champions for women and for all those across the gender spectrum to come together and work towards equality on all levels. 

It's also a day of celebration and you can spend it any way you wish, perhaps you have started a new business and want to take the day off work for some much-needed self-care time, or perhaps you want to spend it with friends, go to a feminist book club or event or even a rally or maybe you just want to get home after work and lie in a hot bath with a good book, all are valid ways to spend it. 

So here are a few ideas on how to celebrate International women's day 

1. Support Women-owned businesses

There are so many fantastic small businesses out there and with many people having been hit hard with the pandemic, now more than ever is the time to support them, but during the month of March why not make sure your pounds go towards female-owned businesses or those with a feminist stance that is working to promote equality all year round. Two of my favourite are Milk and Moon and The Feminist Shop

2. Donate to Charity 

One of the best ways to be supportive is if you are in the position to do so, is much a donation a worthy cause, either locally or globally, that helps support women and fight for their rights, it never has to be a large around, even £5 can have an impact. For me, I'm going to make a small donation to Cardiff Women's aid which is local to me and is working towards ending violence against women and girls.

feminist book

3. Read about female empowerment with your kids

For me, being a parent of two boys, it's important to instil in them that gender equality is normal and needed and to not tolerate inequalities, so making sure we have a diverse book collection including stories with inspiring female leads that champion female empowerment is a must. Two of our favourites are Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World and Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls

4. Value yourself and your space

I have to admit I am not very good at prioritising myself, especially after becoming a parent, but to thrive as a parent you need to put yourself first sometimes & make sure your own needs are also met. For me personally, I've struggled to get a decent sleep for the past year and that's really taking it's toll on me so this International Women's Day I am going to invest in a decent mattress as I know mine has seen better days as well as looking into getting bunk beds for my boys as my youngest is nervous of the dark and ends up co-sleeping with me most nights which isn't adding to my lack of sleep and while I don't mind I do feel I need to actively address my sleep issues. I find it hard to justify things like this on myself but it feels appropriate to do so over International Women's Day because I want to be a positive and healthy role model for my kids. 

5. Watch a female lead film

Most films in general still follow fairly stereotypical gender storylines but there are some amazing films out there that have broken away from that and focus on strong female leads and role models. You may decide to have a family film night in or watch something with friends or on your own, either way, there is something for everyone. Here are a few family-friendly suggestions -  Moana, Mulan, Kiki's Delivery Service and Over the Moon. For slightly older children and adults, you could opt for Hidden Figures, On the Basis of Sex and Made in Dagenham. 

Made in Dagenham
Made in Dagenham film

6. Have conversations and involve men and people who identify beyond the gender binary in the celebration. 

We cannot achieve equality if Men are not on the same page as women and are also putting women's rights on the agender in both the workplace and at home. Conversations need to be had with all gender identities, right across the spectrum so that we all become equal advocates for continued and sustained change. So if you are organising an event or planning a get together make sure to encourage your male friends to participate if your event is open to all. 

7. Attend an International Women's Day Event

 While the last two years have mainly consisted of virtual events, we are finally seeing in-person meetups and workshops happening again and there is already an array to choose from on websites such as Eventbrite - there are already listings for different things happening in my city of Cardiff, from women-focused networking events to film screenings, gigs and inspiring talks.  

International Women's Day

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5 ways to stay adventure ready


adventure girl

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Now I would firstly like to say that I personally don't subscribe to any kind of diet or gruelling gym routine, in fact, I've not stood inside a gym in many a year, but I do love getting outdoors, hiking adventures, trying new things and overall enjoy a variety of sports of physical activities that have a positive effect on my mental health, so ensuring that I am fit and health to enjoy these activities is important to me especially as I get older. 

There are a few things we can do to make sure we are keeping our bodies ready for those weekend adventures that don't involve having to hit the gym daily and being someone who is living post-injury (2 surgeries on my knee) it's also about finding what works for you and focusing on that. So I thought I would share some of the things I do to stay adventure-ready.

1. Walking

Personally, I love a good walk outdoors, exploring new trails and learning more about my local area, plus it's free and open to everyone, making it a really inclusive pastime and one you can do on your own, with friends, family and children. 

Walking is also one of the most underrated forms of exercise and can have a hugely positive boost to both your physical and mental well-being well getting those muscles and joints moving while being one of the lower impact exercises. 

walking family
Walking is a great family activity 

2. Cycling

This is another great low impact option and perfect for those who do struggle with some joint issues and running it's an ideal option. Cycling is also great for the whole family and a wonderful way to travel and explore. Cycling also works different muscles than that of walking so combining the two makes for a great overall workout.

3. Sign up for a challenge

We can all go through times where we lack motivation so signing up a challenge can encourage us to get out there and get into the adventure mindset. Challenges can be as big or small as you want them, but they should always be fun and a positive way to get outdoors. Perhaps you fancy a local sponsored walk for charity or a swimathon or maybe you have your sights set on the London Marathon, either way having a goal to work towards can be a great way to set an intention and stay motivated

cycling for charity
We cycled 170miles over 3 weeks for charity last year


4. Deal with any health issues now!

We all have a tendency to put off small things that are niggling at us, perhaps your back has been hurting for a while but is manageable or your ears are blocked but you keep hoping it's going to clear up on its own. The thing is prevention is better than cure and dealing with the issue before it's a big problem can help you and save you money long term. Since I had my knee surgery many years ago I am a huge believer in Physiotherapy which helped me regain all my mobility back in my knee and know whenever I get knee issues or neck pains (I have a tendency to pull my neck and back muscles) I don't waste any time in making sure I get seen and treated as it reduced the time and discomfort massively. Places like Total Physio can help you with any joint, muscular or sport-related issues and can help you to feel ready adventure-ready. 

5. Work on boosting your energy

I know as I get older (and having two kids is exhausting) that energy levels can fluctuate a lot, so working on keeping my energy levels up is really important because going for a hike when tried simply isn't any fun. Some simple, free and natural ways to boost energy are - drinking enough water and staying hydrated, getting enough sleep, finding time to relax and working on avoiding stressors and exercising on a regular basis. Even if you make one small change it can have a huge impact on your overall energy levels. 

adventure ready

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Wahaca, Cardiff - A family friendly Mexican feast



*AD - We were kindly invited by Wahaca to try out their family-friendly menus - words and thoughts 100% my own

I love Wahaca, every time I've eaten there I've come away having enjoyed every single plate, I'm a fan of street food style dishes which they offer in perfectly sized portions and their food is authentic, fresh and vibrant, plus the cocktails are really tasty too. Saying all of that it's always been somewhere I've gone with friends and never with my kids so I was really interested to see what they had to offer for younger diners.

I was recently invited to come and try out their family-friendly offerings and as I have a passion of travel and sharing as many cultures and influences with my children, I was really excited for them to try far superior versions of the taco's I make at home. 

So my closest Wahaca is in the centre of the vibrant Welsh capital that is Cardiff, which has become a real hub for foodie delights. The restaurant is very light and airy and spread over 3 floors and I appreciated the clear protocols put in place to help keep both staff and patrons safe while still ensuring there is a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. 


We sat in big comfy diner-style seating and the kids enjoyed the menu that doubled up as an activity sheet while I perused the main menu. The kid's menu is aimed at children up to 8yrs old and while my eldest is slightly above that age I knew I would also be ordering sharing dishes of my own along with some guacamole and tortilla chips to start. The kids menu is £6 and they can choose between a Build Your Own Taco's or Cheesy Toasted Quesadilla Sandwich, both of which offer choices such as adding chicken, steak, fish or seasonal veg and the dish also comes with a drink such as apple fizz or homemade hibiscus cordial.

I decided that I would treat myself to a Virgin Mojito while waiting for our first dishes to arrive and then a Caple Rd Cider (which is one of my favourite ciders) once our food had arrived. Both of my boys opted for the Build Your Own Tacos with one going for the Grilled chicken and the other with the fish and also came with lettuce, cheese, guacamole, tortilla chips and veg stick dippers as well as their own tortillas to fill up how they wished. 

I went for a few different small plates and street food type dishes with my two favourites being the sweet potatoes and feta taquito which came wrapped in a blue corn tortilla and I also loved the cheese and chilli croquetas with tomatillo apple salsa. 


Of course, we couldn't finish the evening without a bit of a sweet treat and the kids each had a small bowl of ice cream from the children's menu, which was small but they were very happy to see the basket of Churros being brought to the table which I shared with them as they were too much for me to eat alone anyway. 

From start to finish the staff were excellent, attentive and knowledgable but also making sure there was a relaxed and informal atmosphere and the evening we visited there was a real mix of people from families to students to groups of friends, with everyone feeling welcome. 

Wahaca as always get's my thumbs up as the food is delicious, seasoned so well and I ate every single crumb of my food and while it's a great place to go for pre-drinks or with friends, it's also a great option for family meals out as you won't be disappointed. 


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Ways to stay warm in winter



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We’ve all heard about the rising cost of living, and energy bills, in particular, going up and up. But staying warm in winter is still necessary for our comfort and wellbeing, as we can’t simply sit in the cold to save money. However, there are plenty of ways to keep warm without turning the thermostat up. And getting that cosy feeling, whether you’re at home or away, is one of the simple joys of these cooler seasons. So, here are some handy tips to help you snuggle up and stay warm in winter.

Layer up the bed

As we spend a good portion of our lives in bed (if we’re lucky), let’s start with how to keep warm at night. And there’s more to keeping warm in bed than popping on the highest tog duvet. Layering up bed clothes gives you more control over your warmth than just one single duvet. You can add a layer or two of warmth as the temperature drops and easily remove it once you’ve warmed up. So, having a handy mix of a light duvet and a few soft blankets could provide better all-round comfort.

What layers are good for snuggling up in bed with? Wool blankets and down duvets are known to be good for staying warm but for allergy sufferers’ hollow and microfibres are good alternatives. So, why not experiment with a mix of different materials?

You may also find a weighted blanket a good addition. They not only feel like a big hug but can also trap your body’s warmth. Pick the warmest weighted blanket you can find, such as Buzio’s Shaggy Faux Fur Weighted Blanket, to give you the best of both worlds.

cosy bed

Get moving

If you spend long hours at a desk or on the sofa, you’re bound to feel it when the temperatures drop. So, take regular breaks and intersperse these times with some physical activity.

Don’t worry, you don’t need to take on a 5K run in your lunch hour. A five-minute burst of star-jumps or a spot of vacuuming can be enough to increase your heart rate and get your blood pumping, helping you to feel instantly warmer and if you decide to go for a jog outside, you’ll soon feel the warmth as you step back inside.

Enjoy hearty meals

One of the joys of wintertime is the opportunity to cook up some hearty meals. It’s not only a great way to warm up but a good meal will give your body the energy it needs to help you stay warm.

Think flavoursome stews, warming casseroles and hearty pies. If you want to keep your meals lighter, spiced soups are also a great option to help warm you up.

healthy soup

Wear the right clothes

Many of us have been guilty of sitting at home in our t-shirts whilst putting the heating on full blast. So, rather than turn the heating up when we’re cold, it’s time to improve our clothing habits.

Pop on a woolly jumper or even better wear multiple thin layers to help you stay warm. Mountain climbers and explorers have long used this trick to keep themselves warm in cold temperatures. And don’t forget to keep legs and feet warm too. Popping on those base layers, warm socks and fluffy slippers will have you feeling cosy again in no time.

Warm yourself with hot drinks

A mug of tea of coffee is a great way to warm up. And if you’re not a big caffeine fan, a nice hot chocolate or a herbal tea is just as good. But of course, this doesn’t just apply when you’re in the house. Investing in an insulated mug or flask is useful too. Then you can enjoy hot drinks whenever you’re out and about on winter walks or travelling around. Plus, it could save you a (small) fortune on takeaway drinks.

Staying warm

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Ways to treat yourself this Valentines Day



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While Valentines day originated with celebrations in honour of the 3rd century Roman saint, Saint Valentine and has over time developed into an annual day of love, we can often feel that it's only for couples but it really isn't, it's also a day for us to celebrate friendship, family and admiration for ourself and that can come in many different forms and while commercially we have been sold the idea of roses and chocolates, there are many ways we can show kindness and appreciation to ourselves this year. 

The main thing is to remember is to have fun, keep it light and don't let Valentines day impact you depending on your relationship status, it's a day for everyone to enjoy. So here are 5 ways. you can treat yourself this year. 

cocktail cardiff

1.  Enjoy a special dish or meal out

If you have been wanting to try make a new dish why not pop down to your local grocery store, get all the ingredients, a nice bottle of wine and whip yourself up something really special or perhaps you have been working really hard all year and want to take a break from cooking so treat yourself to a new take away spot or take yourself out to dinner. I've enjoyed many a solo meal, in fact I really like it, it feels indulgent foodie time without any distractions. 

2. Turn your phone off for the day

Anyone remember when phones where just phones and not devices that pulled us in and where we lost hours of our life scrolling. Well why not treat yourself to a day away from your phone, to enjoy the small things uninterrupted, like a walk in the park with a friend, grabbing a cup of coffee and catching up. Or perhaps you want to have a day of mindful actions, meditation and yoga, a quiet bath and some real self care time. 

3. Book a Staycation

Is there somewhere you have been wanting to visit for a while? Well don't want for others, take that trip! I did around 2.5yrs of solo travel and it was the best time I ever had, in fact I felt more open and free to make friendships and connections along the way than I would have been if I had travelled with someone else, which can actually at times make you more insular and less open to striking up a conversation with someone. There are some great deals at the moment especially on websites such as Wowcher

City of Bath

4. Get dressed up for yourself

It can be a real boost to our confidence when we put on our favourite clothes and get "dressed up" even when we don't have any plans, I do it sometimes when I am working from home because clothes have the ability to make us feel great about ourselves as well as bring us joy. Also life is too short so why not put on your favourite outfit or perhaps treat yourself to a little online shopping for women's clothing and see what catches your eye. 

5. Go to the movies

Ever since I was in my late teens I really enjoyed taking myself to the cinema as I often was into more art and international films and I've never had an issue going on my own, in fact it means I can completely lost in the storyline. My favourite cinemas at the moment are Everyman Cinemas, there is one on Cardiff and many dotted across the UK, with their smaller screens and plush sofa style seating as well as food and drinks being brought to you (including cocktails and chocolate sundaes), for me it's the perfect time out and indulgent treat. 

6. Splurge on something special

Is there something you have had your eye on for a while? Maybe you have had your eye on a new interior design piece, some wall art or perhaps a new bag or extra special bottle of bubbly. I know there is a jacket with my name on it or maybe you have been searching dresses for women as you have summer plans and getaways in the pipeline and want something special to wear, well as long as your funds can handle it then now could be the time to treat yourself. 

dress up
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How to modernise your bathroom


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I am currently upgrading some of the spaces in my home, one of them being the bathroom, while I am not going to be making huge changes as I added a new bath and shower a few years ago but I am going to be redoing the tiles, lighting, walls and the decor. A beautiful bathroom can also really help to sell your home if you're on the market to move and I've learnt a lot of things along the way so I thought I would share a few ways on updating your bathroom. I would also like to say that while small jobs are great for the "have a go DIY'er" bigger jobs do need to be undertaken by a builder who knows what they are doing otherwise it can end up costing you more in the long run. 

How to modernise your bathroom

The bathroom is one area of the home that many of us are dissatisfied with. This is largely down to outdated suites and décor, as well as poor layout. We often find ourselves living with our old-fashioned bathrooms for longer than necessary, as it’s such a hassle to renovate, especially in busy households.

On top of this, there’s the dilemma of working out how you can improve the functionality of your bathroom without taking up more space. So, here are some useful ideas to help you modernise your bathroom, using the space you have.

Upgrade your shower

Baths are a great luxury for most of us, but showers are typically all we have time for. So, upgrading your shower to make it more luxurious must be worth a thought.

There are multiple ways to do this. The first is to make sure your shower enclosure gives you plenty of room. No one likes trying to wash in a pokey cubicle, and better controls will also give you more of a spa-like experience. If your shower is powered by electric, then a digital shower installation will mean you can control temperature and water pressure at the touch of a button. If your shower is positioned over the bath, then simply choosing stylish shower-heads and screens will improve the look and feel of your bathroom.

cute bathroom

Go for a full-on wet room

Of course, you could decide that a bath isn’t necessary at all and go for a full-on wet room instead. And there are a few advantages to this. Firstly, the bathroom will feel more spacious as flooring and décor will be more seamless, with no need for shower trays and other obstacles. Secondly, with the right tiles and glass screens, it will feel more modern and luxurious.
Install underfloor heating

There’s nothing worse than having to enter a cold bathroom on a dark winter’s morning. So, why not swap the old radiator for underfloor heating? Not only will it warm the room more efficiently, but it’ll feel nicer on your feet. Plus, getting rid of the radiator will free up a bit more space.

Take lighting to a new level

Changing your existing bathroom lighting could make a big impact and bring your bathroom into the modern age. Many of us have one single ceiling light or a few recessed ceiling lights. And this not only ages a bathroom, but it can make it feel a bit stark.

You will need to check your chosen lighting is suitable for the bathroom but try using a mix of chic ceiling and wall lights with varying degrees of warmth and brightness. This will help you create a nice ambience for relaxing while retaining brighter lighting to see what you’re doing the rest of the time. You could also put something in really unique and different such as a cool neon sign, there is an amazing selection at 
Neon Mama store.

Create some storage space

One thing that often lets a bathroom down is the clutter of bottles around the bath, windowsill and sink. So, hiding it away with clever storage will help the room feel more spacious and stylish.

You don’t need a big bathroom to create some useful storage. You can hide smaller bottles and other bits and bobs in a mirrored wall cabinet. A modern vanity unit under your sink will make good use of otherwise redundant space and wall shelves with attractive baskets won’t compromise your floor space either.

Modernise bathroom

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How to Celebrate a Friend's Birthday from afar when travelling


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Do you have a faraway friend with a birthday on the horizon? Whether they have moved away permanently or either you or they are travelling, there are still many ways to let them know you are thinking of them and celebrate their special day. While it might not be the same as seeing them in person, it’s still important to let them know how much they mean to you and to everyone who is part of their lives. From the pandemic to cross-country relocations, friends are there for each other — no matter what! From sending a personalized care package to toasting to their big day virtually, here is how to celebrate a friend’s birthday from afar. 

Send a Personalized Care Package 

One thoughtful way to celebrate a friend’s birthday from afar is to send them a care package. It’s super easy to do and is sure to make them smile. Put together a personalized care package with selected items and add a sentimental birthday card, too. There is a wide range of places where you can get creative with customised birthday cards, and you can even go with a foil finish on the card for an extra special touch. You can find companies with the largest range of foil colours online if you want to look into this option.

What can you include in a care package? Think of their favourite treats. From candies to birthday sprinkle cookies and chocolate-covered pretzels, there are tons of goodies that will satisfy their birthday sweet tooth. Additionally, you could add a collection of hobby-related tools and presents, a collection of their favourite book series or even a few self-care items like scrubs and face masks so they can really indulge on their special day.

You could even include a stuffed version of their favourite animal. From fictional unicorns to classic teddy bears, puppies and kitties, stuffed animals can make a grown adult smile. Plus, they offer benefits like reducing anxiety and helping to cope when they may be missing home and struggling without their friends. 

birthday present

Deliver Them Their Favorite Takeout

If the two of you are close, you probably know their favourite foods by heart. So let them know that you have their birthday dinner covered and treat them to a takeout feast. Order their favourite appetizer, main dish and dessert ahead of time and have it delivered straight to their door. After all, no one should have to cook on their birthday.

It doesn’t have to be from a nearby restaurant, either! If they are missing their favourite pizza or comfort food from their hometown or region, sites like Goldbelly offer a large selection of foods from restaurants in many major cities and carry a wide range of dishes that they can warm up at home.

Set them up with drinks, too. Send adult friends a bottle or two of their favourite vino. For non-drinkers, you can send a tea set, complete with loose-leaf tea leaves, honey and a tea infuser.

take away

Send Them Birthday Wishes Virtually

Plan a virtual get-together to wish them a Happy Birthday. Use an online video chat service like Skype, FaceTime or Google Meet to celebrate your friend’s birthday however far apart you may be. Keep it casual and personal with just the two of you, toasting with a glass or wine or champagne and sharing how much they mean to you.

Want to take it a step further? Send out an invite to the entire gang as a bigger birthday surprise. For friends who are away from home, reach out to their closest friends and loved ones for a virtual surprise birthday party. If you plan far enough ahead, you can have everyone show up on the screen with coordinated party favours so it feels like everyone is right there in the room. What kind of party favours? Choose streamers and balloons that friends can blow up and decorate behind them as they send their birthday wishes.

The great thing about this celebration is that you can combine it with others. Have local friends wrap a gift and add it to one giant gift box, shipping it to them to unwrap virtually in front of everyone. 

zoom call

Watch a Livestream Concert or Game

Birthday parties are a wonderful way for everyone to see each other. But if you want more to do than cheers and unwrap gifts, consider getting them tickets to a livestream concert. From concerts to stand-up to ballet performances, there are all kinds of entertainment you can watch live.

Even if you can’t afford tickets to see a band or performance, you can still watch a sports game or movie together using a live streaming service. Live-streaming a football game to cheer on their favourite team or simply watching a newly released movie can make it feel like you’re there celebrating their birthday together.

Stick to the theme of the virtual venue and have everyone dress up and grab their favourite snacks. Think leather jackets for concerts and sports swag of the team you’re rooting for. Beers, pretzels and pizza — whatever makes your friend feel like you’re right there with them.

Go Browser Window Shopping for the Perfect Gift

Not certain what kind of gift to present your birthday gal or guy with? If your friend moved away or you’re just not familiar with their latest style or hobbies, let them help you out. Take them on a virtual shopping spree, browsing their favourite online shops for what they need, instead of cluttering their space with useless items. While it lacks total surprise, a minimalist friend will appreciate the thoughtful gesture.

Start by presenting them with a few gift ideas and then let them guide the journey to find the perfect item. Set up your screen with some tabs of gifts to share. Be honest and set a budget, but if they want to chip in to get what they want, that’s okay, too. Exploring their favourite shops is a heck of a lot more fun than just handing them a gift card. 

Call Them!

While it may be the simplest way to celebrate, a call to say “Happy Birthday” is a sweet sentiment, too. Texts and emojis are for any other day of the year. This special event calls for hearing each other’s voices. So pick up the phone and sing the Happy Birthday jingle to them in person. Do it first thing in the morning to send them off on their special day with good vibes.

birthday travel

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5 ways to bring a sense of Wanderlust into your kitchen



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I don't know about the rest of you but I've really been longing for more travel adventures and city breaks to chic European cities where I can drink in the culture, food and style but as we all know the virus has meant many of us haven't travelled as much as we did before so bringing in elements of wanderlust into our homes is a small way to help feel that need to get on the road and explore new places. 

The kitchen is the heart of the home and for me personally one of the spaces I spend most of my time. I love trying new dishes and pushing my abilities of what I can cook (with varying degrees of success). Luckily I am not short of inspiration as I love cookbooks, especially ones from around the world. So I thought I would share a few ideas on how to make your kitchen feel like it reflects your love of travel.

1. Display your favourite travel-inspired cookbooks

If you are like me then you will have an array of cookbooks and mine span across many different cultures and influences such as books with French recipes or Caribbean dishes, South African treats and Asian meals, then why not put them on display. I'm currently putting up a few more shelves in my kitchen and one will be for displaying my favourite cookbooks from around the world. 

travel cookbook

2. Decorate with destination-inspired artwork

Personally, I love Artwork, postcards and posters up in my kitchen space and whenever I travel I often pick up something I can put on displace such as a map of Helsinki or a photo of the Seine in Paris or black and white photos I've taken in Prague and Zagreb. These can really help add that wanderlust feel to a space while also bringing in some colour while bringing back some wonderful memories

3. Capture that European feel with some Kitchen Tiles

What I really love about European interiors is the beautiful kitchen tiles they use as splashback - I stayed in an Airbnb in Paris a few years ago and they had the most stunning blue and white porcelain tiles in their small but stylish kitchen and I've always wanted to do the same for mine. So I am currently on the lookout for some and I know it will help transform my kitchen space. If you're looking for some kitchen tile inspiration then I recommend popping over to Pinterest. 

kitchen tiles

4. Create a Time Zone Wall Clock

I really like what Monica from The Travel Hack has done with her kitchen where they put up 4 different clocks from her favourite cities so you can look up and see what time it is in Hong Kong or Sydney and thinks it's such a neat interior decor idea without being gimmicky and can bring back some great memories from your favourite places in the world. 

time zone clock

5. Reuse Wine Bottles

As you can imagine, having grown up in South Africa and having lived in France for a while before having kids, that I do indeed enjoy a glass. I also have a soft spot for keeping my favourite bottles or if they have a particularly cool design on them. Also, I love to reuse as many things as possible and wine bottles are perfect for candle holders and it's something I do often when we are having a special meal in as they look great on the kitchen table. You can also fill them with little wire fairy lights or simply display your favourite ones on a shelf. 

wine candle

I hope this has given you some ideas on how to bring that sense of wanderlust back into your home and kitchen with a few small and medium changes as well as budget-friendly ideas and here's hopefully to more travels in 2022

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