Laundry Love - Samsung WW9000 First Impressions


Okay so I have to admit I am not the most organised or on top of the laundry kind of person. I mean everything gets clean and thats the main objective, I think it may be because I have never been very exciting or enthralled by the idea of laundry - it's always seemed rather tedious, time-consuming as well as energy and finically draining, especially when you have a toddler or newborn clothes to wash basically every day.

But I always try and keep an open mind so anything that may change that I am up for hearing about so when the lovely people over at Samsung asked me to review their new, sleek, stylish and eco-friendly Samsung WW9000 EcoBubble machine I was very excited to see if this would change the way I felt about doing the laundry and I have to say honestly it has....for the following reasons.

First of all aesthetically the machine is very pleasing to the eye and looks rather space aged - I love it's smooth lines, blue tinted door and gone are any unnecessary knobs or dials and instead a small and unobtrusive touchscreen from which everything can be programmed in a surprisingly easy manner.

Samsung washing machine

One of the main features is how eco and low energy the machine is as it's uses ecobubble technology which basically means air and water are pulled in to make bubbles which helps the detergent penetrate the wash load faster and more evenly.

Samsung washing machine touchscreen

Once John got home and hooked it all up it was ready to use pretty much straight away which I was really surprised about as our last washing machine had option which still to this day I didn't understand while this one is very straight forward. I love the auto dispense compartment which once full can last up to a month adding to the ease of use and for the tech fans you can even control this machine via your smartphone - something I have been enjoying a lot and you can even keep on top of your washing while you are out of the house - I mean even for me thats pretty exciting!

It's by far the best looking machine I have ever seen and it plays a lovely little tune when the washing is done which always makes me smile...and the little man I think would sit and watch it all day long.

kids laundry

I was kindly given the WW9000 to provide an honest review, words and thoughts 100% our own


  1. That looks (and sounds like) the washing machine of the future :)
    I think my washing machine hates me, for me it's error messages and endless spins. But I do everything right!!

    Gems x
    Fashion, Well Done

  2. I really, really, really want that oversized laundry bag. And that machine sure is fab.

  3. This looks really interesting from a design point of view, never seen one like it, especially with the blue tone. Ours in packing up so we'll need a new one soon.

    Buckets & Spades

  4. ooh it looks amazing! I genuinely really like the design ascetics but doubly great it's eco friendly also! x

  5. Wow it looks amazing, I would definitely get to the bottom of the washing pile if I had such a cool machine to put it in! x

  6. That machine looks like the future (and anything that keeps the kids entertained is a bonus). My big bugbear is odd socks :)

  7. ooooh that looks great! our washing machine is pretty old and I keep waiting for it to pack up - will have to remember this one for when it does!

  8. I love the design aesthetics of this and was offered one too, but couldn't get it in the flat *sob* as it's too tiny. I'd definitely have one if we had a bigger place though as they sound amazing. xx


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