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The week spring arrived

So finally after the snow, rain and cold snaps it finally feels like spring has sprung and this week has been a bumper week for getting outdoors and having some adventures with the little man. It couldn't of come at a better time as my mother has been ill in hospital and being able to get outside in the fresh air between visiting times has really helped with what has been quite a stressful week. On the first sunny day of the week we went for a walk near the river Taff, climbing over mole-hills and collecting sticks.

Toddler style
On our adventures

We have also spent some time at the local country park feeding the ducks, walking through the long grass, collecting things for our nature table and having fun on the swings. The great thing about the warmer weather is that we can stay our for longer, even though we always wrap up well it's great being that little bit more comfortable.

spiderweb swing
Mr A taking on the spiderweb

natural childhood

Joules scarf
Duck watching

nature table

We also spent some time this week exploring the fields and lanes a few minutes from were we live, parts of it are great, filled with green spaces, hidden paths and a little park but others have been affected horribly by litter and uncaring people who decided to dump their rubbish on land that should be for families and children and it does make me angry that people don't realise what effect it has on the world around us. We did however find a small patch of daisy which I allowed Mr A to have one to take home as a sigh of spring on the nature table.

Stylish toddler

 This week we also spent some much needed time in our own garden. One of Mr A's favourite things to do is to turn all the rocks over the look for worms. He also loves to play with his little garden set and today we planted our first seeds of the year - some Cos lettace. Mr A was in charge of the sowing and watering and hopefully we will be able to use some of the lettuce in a summer salad (fingers crossed)

toddler gardening
Every weekend we do a round up of the time we spend outdoors, as we are huge believers in giving Mr A as much of a natural childhood as possible and be connected to nature and we take part in the lovely Country Kids linky over on Coombe Mill blog. If you love spending time outdoors why not join in.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. such lovely photos, I hope the weather continues to get better and better, I'm fed up with the cold now

  2. Lovely to be able to get some much needed fresh air in what looks like a stressful week for you. Beautifully captured photos in some lovely outdoor gear again. I think you have the best dressed toddler around! That garden looks like it is going to be lots of fun going into the summer months.

  3. What a busy week! So glad you were able to get some fresh air for yourself too. Beautiful photos. I love the jacket in the first ones!

  4. It was the first time yesterday that we got to spend time in the garden due to the horrible icy weather we have been having. Love your pictures of Mr A, very cute!

  5. Sorry to hear about your mum in the hospital. We have enjoyed the warmer spring days too. I hope they come more often it is so nice to get this kids outside to play. Looks like your little one is having a blast.

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose

  6. I love all his coats! My eldest son has always had a patch at his nanna's allotment and he's even won awards! It's nice when he comes back with raspberries and carrots from his little patch!


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