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Discovering and collecting

spring field

Just as you think spring has arrived, so does the rain and mist but at least it's been milder in the South of Wales. This week we have been discovering the simple pleasures and magic that lies in the outdoors. From turning over stones to look for worms to collecting all the wonderful pine cones that now lie on the ground, throwing stones into the river and climbing fallen trees. Unfortunately I had a bit of a camera malfunction this week, although happy to say it's all sorted now, but it does mean this posts was document on my phone, so images are not as crisp as usual.

climbing logs
We really try to promote Mr A to be adventurous, to climb things and jump in puddles and as long as it's supervised and you use common sense we like him to be a boy, he had such fun when we came across this cut down tree in Bute Park, he had to climb it over and over again and jump off the end on to the grass.

Bodens jacket

We also love collecting pine cones to paint or put on our nature table at home. I think we are going miss them during the summer so we are making a little stock pile at home.

Bute Park
Cardiff Castle from Bute Park

Even in dull weather our favorite time of the day is spent outdoors. It's great that Cardiff has such a wonderful park such at Bute Park, which is filled with trees to hide under and little wooden animal sculptures.

Every week we take part in the Country Kids linky, if you like to spend time outdoors with your little ones why not join in.

Country Kids from Coombe Mill Family Farm Holidays Cornwall

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  1. Oh he looks so cute in that hat and coat. What a sweetie.

    Bonnie Rose | A Compass Rose

  2. I wish my old Blackberry would take photos like that, I might not bother with a camera! Sounds like you have a great local park and I love your attitude to the outdoors and Mr A growing up, he is very lucky boy.

  3. We should always cherish these moments. Just by chance you would like to see how you can earn money by blogging daily. Please feel free to email me at I would be happy to share with you how I'm doing it for free.

  4. Ah such lovely shots - love the crocuses and daffodils in spring.

    Trisha x

  5. The first photo especially is beautiful!

  6. Beautiful photos looks like a lovely day out


Lovely comments