Brunch and Blooms - Spring Style


short hair

Between the mine and kids wardrobes I have recently dropped of no less than 8 full bags of clothes to charity shops as part of my minimalist challenge. This has made my closet look rather sparse and in need of a few items for spring. Clothes are one of those items that do need to be replaced and fashion is also about individuality and having fun with fabric and colours. It's just about curbing excess and loving what you purchase. Lately I have been picking up a few things here and there mainly with ethical and independent stores and brands and have not looked at the high street in a few months and I think thats a really good thing as I was pleasantly surprised when walking through New Look the other day and come across this super cute blue shirt with embroidered flowers.

New Look shirt

It's really light and perfect for these warmer days and I love the floral theme. I have paired it up with some skinny jeans and my black Sperry shoes for a easy casual weekend look. This spring summer I am all about feel good clothing that is tailored well, simple, as I declutter my home I am finding I want simplicity everywhere but still with a pop of colour and fun details. 

embroidered shirt

I also came across these super cute Brunch time tees from Joanie clothing which have really fun vintage inspired clothing that sends me back to the 90's nostalgia with this printed tee. Also I know brunch is a big thing here but we have been doing brunch as a family tradition since I was about 5yrs old, sitting out on our back porch in South Africa waiting for poached eggs and pancakes on a lazy Sunday under the sun so when I saw this I had to get it.

cute tee


  1. That shirt is so cute. It looks gorgeous on you!

  2. Love that cute tee!!

  3. Ah decluttering. I so need to do some. At the moment though I can think of little else but poached eggs and pancakes on a sunny porch.

    1. Ohh pancakes and poached eggs does sound lovely

      Laura x

  4. That shirt is really lovely and definitely goes well with dark jeans. The tee brings me back too! I'm looking forward to brunch on our decking when we move x

    1. Thanks so much :) it's my new favourite shirt

      Laura x

  5. Love this shirt, it looks lovely on you! I've been loving so many embroidered shirts lately but I've been holding off investing in one because of bump! Hoping there will still be a few around in a months time when I can treat myself to something non-maternity! x

  6. That shirt is so pretty. There's so many florals around at the mo. I love it. Also love the tee. Never heard of the website before so thanks for introducing me x


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