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Denim days

So John has booked off two weeks from work so we can sort out the house and just have some quality family time as he has been so busy lately. We made the most of this rare dry day and spent most of our time walking around Cardiff and popping into GBK for a quick bite to eat. It became an unintentional denim day with all of us opting for jeans and I felt like rocking the Cazal glasses...just to add an extra dimension to the outfit.

Ray ban
John wearing a Universal Works Shirt and Ray ban

Red wing shoes
John wears - Nudie Jeans and Red Wing boots

Personal style
Laura wearing - Next Jeans and Top, Topshop Jacket, Asos Penny loafers, Dents bag, Cazal Glasses

Mini club jeans
Arthur rocking some Van slip-ons, Miniclub jeans and M&S top

Would you like to comment?

  1. Laura's outfit is borderline perfect, I love the coral scarf the most :) x


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