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September Issue Big Love

So what would the September Issue be without an editorial of Kate Moss?? And with her wedding this year it was a really bumper issue of beautiful photos of her special day, which was a cross over of a traditional English Wedding with a High-end fashion shoot plus a slight festival edge. John and I are planning our wedding for next year and her carefree kind of rock and roll feel is exactly what I am trying to go for. These photographs are amazing and whether you like Kate or not, she does look like the English rose she is.

I am in love with this Rodarte paillette red coat  
One of the most beautiful wedding group photos I have ever seen!
Guest - Kelly Osbourne


Paul Mcarthy's place mat

Tipi's for the children
An amazing Peggy Porschen - wonder what it tasted like?

Rock and Roll

Would you like to comment?

  1. Kate Moss is just incomparable!!!

  2. Outstanding! Everyone in that group photo looks comfortable, yet gorgeous.

  3. thanks for your lovely comment on my blog! :)
    i'd love to link exchange; do you have a button?
    lovely blog by the way, kate moss is amazing - i especially love the red coat.
    Rosie xo

  4. I completely agree with you the second picture is one of the most beautiful wedding group pictures I have ever seen! By the way Im following you now!! :)


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