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Turn Your House into an Oasis

Being able to have a beautiful house that you love coming home to is important. In order to have a home you love, you may want to customize it so that it feels warm and welcoming to you. The guide that follows provides a few ways you can make a house feel more like your home.

Create Curb Appeal

The first thing you’ll see each day when you pull up to your house is the exterior. Take the time to create a lawn that is well-manicured and looks great. Keeping the grass and the bushes trimmed can make a home look great. Add a flower bed to create a bit of colour to the exterior of the house. A walkway can add visual appeal and also provide you with a place to walk when entering and leaving your home. Perhaps you also want to show some personal flair and fly a rainbow flag or country flag to really grab attention. Of course, you will need to make sure you have the right flagpole mounting hardware in order to do this!

Add Flowers to the Interior of Your Home

Seeing and smelling beautiful flowers when you come into your home can make the house seem more inviting. Look for amaryllis bulbs for sale that you can plant in indoor planters. When they bloom, you’ll have beautiful flowers that you can look at for months. The flowers require minimal effort and are available in a variety of colors so that you can create just the look you want in the home.

Create a Statement Wall

Don’t be afraid to add color to your house. A statement wall can be a great way to break up space and add an eye-catching look. It’s best to choose a bold color of paint or even a stunning wallpaper to use when creating the statement wall so that it stands out from the rest of the room and has a unique look. If you don’t know how to paint or wallpaper a wall, consider hiring professionals to do it for you so that it looks great when it’s done.

Customize Your Kitchen

Many families spend a majority of their time in the kitchen when they’re home. If you want your kitchen to show off your style, consider adding a backsplash. There are many different types of backsplash available that’ll allow you to create just the look you want. Most of these can be installed by a homeowner with ease and will give the kitchen an entirely new look.

Create a Minimalist Look

When you walk into your home, it can make you feel overwhelmed and cause anxiety if there are items crammed into every inch of the house. It’s best to minimalize your life and only keep things in the house that you actually need or use. Having the minimum amount of items possible in your home will make cleaning easier, make the house look bigger, and make it easier for you to find things when you need them. It’s best to get rid of any items that you haven’t used within the last few months. This allows you to be sure you aren’t getting rid of things you need.

Your home is supposed to be your oasis from the world. Creating an environment that allows you to feel peace and relaxation is essential. If you notice that you aren’t able to fully relax when you get home, you may want to take the time to consider what factors can change to make your house the oasis you deserve it to be. There are often tiny changes that can be made to make the environment everything that you need it to be.

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  1. I love the style and the minimalis, I'm all about it! And the flowers really make your day when you wake up and walk around that green oasis! Love it! :)

    1. Thanks so much and yes to fresh flowers :)

      Laura x

  2. I love these ideas. Fresh Flowers are always so important in my house to create a mood.

    1. They really are! Can't beat fresh flowers in the home


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